A new friend! The locker room talk?

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Here is the new part

Mitch was confused. Not only was he a Will user which is rare enough. He was also blessed or maybe cursed with a thoughtline no one knew about! Janna might be happy about it. But he was a lot more worried you could even call it fear about his new power.

But even so he was still happy. After all he is 1 of the lucky people in the world blessed with the power of a Will user. He didn't know what to do or what to think. He really just wanted some answers to his many questions. But that time would have to wait until after the 9 other tests.


"Ok so this is the ninth test. This one will test for the power to read minds. You will pair up with someone. We will then tell one of the people a set of numbers and if the other person can find it out, they might be a Will user. You need to place your hand on them. Then picture a brain and turn it into a book. Then open it up at the last page to see their most recent thoughts. Then you should be able to see, or I guess you could call it read the number.," said Velvet giving them time to get into pairs. Sarah paired up with some random person she didn't know.

Sarah had white skin, short blond hair, and yellow eyes filled with nervousness. She walked up to one of the many people that had come with Velvet. She asked, "What is my number," said Sarah. "Your number is 154790," said the man who was there to help velvet.

Sarah then walked back to her partner and let her put her hand on her. After a minute she guessed, "Is your number 3460." "No, my number was 154790," said Sarah with just a bit of her normal stutter in her voice. "Dammit that means I only have one chance left," said the girl as she walked over to get her number.

She soon returned within a minute with the number. Sarah slowly put her hand on the other girl nervously. Sarah did just as Velvet told her to. He was surprised to see an open book just like how Velvet told her. She opened it to the end. She soon found what she was looking for.

It read, "Your number is 145899." Sarah removed her hand from the other girl and said, "Is your number 145899." "Yeah, that it is right on the dot," said the girl loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Well done looks like this school has at least 4 Will users," said a happy Velvet. "Now then Miss." "Sarah," said a blushing Sarah from all the attention. "Well then Miss Sarah please head to the locker room and wait there until the end of the next test," said Velvet. "Ok," said a still blushing Sarah as she started walking there. "Now then you all have one minute left for this test until we move onto the next one," said Velvet.

Sarah walked into the locker room nervously. "Uh finally, I thought we would be the only Will users at the rate things were going," groaned out Janna. "Oh, come on J. That's a bit harsh," said Wilt. "Eh so what she doesn't care. Right?" asked Janna. "Uh no I don't it's fine," said Sarah nervously. "See she doesn't mind," said Janna.

"Yeah, but how would you know that beforehand," said Mitch. "I just did I'm that good," said Janna. "Say what! Are you also a mind reader?" Jerry mocked Janna. "Oh, shut up. I don't even need my Will to beat you. After all your attacks aren't even real," said Janna. "Yeah, well that doesn't even matter. "You're so slow you couldn't even hit me," said Jerry. "Stop it you two. We're not the only ones here," said Mitch.

"Yeah, I guess you are right. Say what's your Thoughtline?" asked Janna. "Oh, I don't know my thoughtline but I have the Will of mind reading," said Sarah nervous once more because all the attention was back on her. "Nice. Can you test it out on me?" asked Wilt. "Uh such I guess," said Sarah as she walked over to where Wilt was sitting.

She then placed her hand on him. "Mind will: Mind Read," she said. All of her surroundings disappeared and unlike last time instill of a gray void this one was blue. She saw a book in front of her and opened it up near the back. She read "Come downstairs honey. The eggs are also ready." She closed the book, stepped back and took her hand off of Wilt as the blue void disappeared.

"You had eggs for breakfast today," said Sarah. "Yeah I did. She must really be able to read minds," said Wilt. "Uh I guess so. So, what should we do now," said Jerry. "Eh there's only one test left so let's just wait," said Janna.

After about 30 minutes Velvet entered the locker room alone. "It would appear that there are 5 Will users in this school. Now then do any of you have any questions.," said Velvet. "Uh yeah what is my Thoughtline?" asked Wilt. "You have the Thoughtline of intelligence. And I guess I will tell you all your Thoughtline. Sarah, yours is social anxiety or in other words a huge lack of people skills. Jerrys yours's is that of one who fakes his own power or a pretender of your power. And yours's Janna is angry," said Velvet giving them a very clearly forced smile that they all noticed. "Uh what about mine," said Mitch awkwardly.

"Uh...Well you see that's because we don't know what your Thoughtline is! But don't worry new Thoughtlines are race but not unheard of," said Velvet giving Mitch an even more forced smile. Thankfully this time he didn't notice because this time he was thinking about what she just said.

"Here if you make the sphere again and let me touch it, I might be able to guess what it is," said Velvet giving him a real smile this time. "Oh ok," said Mitch picturing a gray sphere in his mind and putting all of his willpower into it. "Light Will: Light Sphere," said Mitch as the sphere of light appeared in front of him.

Velvet reached out and touched the sphere of light with her finger. She took her finger away as soon as she touched it and put it in her mouth as if to cool it off. After a minute or so she took her finger out of her mouth and said, "I think it is a mix of lightning and fire. I felt a tiny shock and my finger was burned by it," said Velvet.

"Wait so are you saying he has a mix of fire and lightning Will," said Janna. "Yeah, I think he does but I can't say yet since that is just the most basic form Will can come in. So later on, we can really see by his actions," said Velvet. "Wow so you manage to combine two Thoughtlines," said Jerry. "That is just my current idea it is most likely wrong," said Velvet. "Oh, so then I might have something even cooler," said an exited Mitch. "Yeah, that's so cool," said Wilt. "Yeah, I can't wait to test how strong you are now in a fight," said Janna. "Oh yeah that reminds me. You guys aren't allowed to use your Will yet," said Velvet.

"Wait what why," demanded Jerry. "Will let's see how I can explain...MMM Oh yeah. Ok think of Will like a liquid you can use the liquid for Will attacks. The stronger or bigger the attack the more of the liquid it will take. The liquid comes back over time slowly. But if you run out of the liquid you will die because your body itself has lost the will to live and you will die. And if you don't know what you're doing you could easily use up all of your Will," said Velvet.

"Wait then what do we do now?" asked Wilt. "You all go back to your house you can tell anyone you like that you passed the test. Soon you will get a letter telling you to go to the Will user school at a date and time. You will learn everything else there. Oh, but you might need to know this, the school year for us will start in two weeks," said Velvet. "What. But what about summer break," said Sarah.

"Yeah, that's part of the price of being a Will user," said Velvet giving them a cheeky smile as she walked out of the locker room. "Hey but what do we do now," yelled Mitch. "Just go home," yelled Velvet back.


"Yes, I would indeed like a change in role to become a teacher here," said Velvet. She and a man dressed all in white with a hood covering his head so you couldn't see his face and watches covered his arms and legs so you couldn't see them entire. They were in an office filled with clocks. "An odd request coming so soon from the start of the school year. But since it is from you and our long friendship you are now a teacher. Is there anyone you really want in your class," said the odd man. "Yes, in the school I went to there were 5 Will users. May I have all of them in my class," said Velvet. "Very well but I want a weekly update. Is that understood," the man said looking at one of his many watches. "Thank you, sir," said Velvet as happiness filled her voice. "Oh no I'm late," yelled the man in a worried voice as he got up. "Oh, wait no is that today or tomorrow. Maybe it was last week. Or is it next week," said the odd man sitting back down and tried to remember when he needed to go. "Goodbye sir," said Velvet leaving the room with a fond smile on her face as she left the man to his muttering.


"Master one of our spies' reports that a person with the Light Thoughtline has just been found," said a thing clocked in darkness. "Good tell them to be careful. But get them to me as soon as they can," said a man clocked in pure darkness which seemed to come from himself. 

Hope you liked the new part

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