First day of school part 2

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This part got a lot of new info so read carefully hope you enjoy

"Now then everyone we shall start by telling you some very important safety information. You should never use your Will unless you have to. If you have to for any reason, make sure you don't use too much because if you do you will die! So, to help with that we will help you increase your Will. To do so you must push your body to its limits. You will do so by following the directions on the paper on top of your desk," said Velvet. They all looked down at the paper on their desk.

It read, "You must do 1,000 pushups each day. 1,000 sit-ups every day. 1,000 jumping jacks every day. Run at least a mile each day. And do one hour of any physical activity you want. Every 10 days you will increase your run by half a mile. Do 50 more pushups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks. Until you reach 5 miles a day. When you reach 2,000 pushups a day stop adding more same with every other exercise. "

"Do any of you have any questions?" asked Velvet. "Yes, I see how this would make us better physically, but how will this improve our Will?" asked Wilt. "Simple if you do this every day like you are supposed to, you will be forcing your body to do it at some point improving your Will," answered Velvet. "Oh ok," said Wilt.

"Yeah, but how are we going to get stronger," demanded Janna. "It's simple. The more Will you have the stronger attacks you can make. But that does bring us to our next topic. Each one of you needs a way to keep track of your Will attacks or as we like to call them WA. So, to do that you will have a book of all your WA in it to help you keep track called a Wbook. In it you can write about your WA, draw them, or use it to think of new WA. "Now then take one of these notebooks as your Wbook," said Velvet pulling out a crate filled with notebooks.

"I call dibs on the red ones," yelled Janna as all they ran towards the crate. "Teacher, may I take two Wbooks since I have two Thoughtlines?" asked Alton. "Ah yes, I didn't think about that, yes you may take two Wbooks. And Alton, you can call me Velvet," said Velvet. "Very well teacher," smirked Alton.

"Get out of my way," said Janna trying to push Harmon away from the Wbook she wanted with her body. Harmon just leaned a bit to the side dodging it as he picked up the green book he wanted. "Got it," said Janna as she gasped the red book she wanted and went back to her seat.

"Got one," said Rose picking up a pink Wbook. "Done," said Wilt picking up a blue one. "Finished," said Jerry taking a yellow one. "There," said Shell picking up a purple one. "Where is it. Oh there," said Sarah also picking up a purple one. "Got one," said Emily as she randomly grabbed one then when back to sleep. "Here," said Mitch picking up a white one. "There are the two I want," said Alton picking up a gray and light blue one.

"Alright now that you all have your Wbook please return to your seat," said Velvet. She waited for everyone to get in their seats before she continued, "Good now then everyone open up your Wbooks. "Now then you all should already have at least one WA some go ahead and write it down," said Velvet, giving them enough time to do just that.

"Alright now then you all have an hour to think about a new WA or you can go ahead and talk to your newfound classmates," said Velvet as she sat back in her chair with a smile. Alton immediately took out a pencil and started writing something down in his Wbook.

Mitch got up as well as his friends. Sarah stayed in her seat and took out her Wbook. Rose got up. Harmon as well. Emily just slept and Shell opened her Wbook.

"So why do you have a bird on your head?" Wilt asked Harmon as he walked over to him. "Oh him. I call him Beaks. He was the only other survivor in my town," answered Harmon casually but if you looked hard enough you could see a bit of pain and anger in his eyes.

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