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Here the next part

"Hello there dear ladies and gentlemen." said a man dressed in all white robes with a hood covering his face with watches all over his body. He was standing on top of a tall platform in front of a school "My name is Chronos, and I am the principal of this lovely school behind me," said Chronos pointing at the school behind him. He then just stood there as if waiting for something.

A person wearing a brown robe with a hood walked up to Chronos. He whispered something in his ear and handed him something no one could see. He then walked off and some people said they saw him sigh as he walked away.

"Ah yes sorry about that. Uh...So seeing how you came here you are at least willing to hear us out for teaching your kids. We have many things to offer your children. But some of the main things are skilled Will User to help out and many training areas to test out their skills. Do any of you have any questions," said Chronos.

About 20 hands or so were raised at once. "Oh, I wasn't expecting so many. Uh...You in that red, green shirt go," said Chronos. "Yes, are you going to be teaching anything other than how to use your Will," the woman in the red and green shirt said. "Yes, we will be teaching them all of the normal classes along with our own," said Chronos. All but one of the hands went down after he said that.

"Oh, uh you the only one with your hand still up what is your question?" asked Chronos. "Yes, what will you be teaching them as Will users?" the man asked. "Oh, we can't tell you a lot but what I can tell you is we will help them get more Will and control it better. But now then we will start calling names for people to meet with their teachers," said Chronos.


"Mitch from the school of sunset your teacher is ready for you now. Please go to room 123," said someone that they couldn't see. Mitch got up from the chair he was sitting in and started to walk to room 123 with his parents. As they reached the door, they heard a voice say, "Very well I guess that settles it." After that they saw a woman with blue hair walk out of the room with her son that had a mix of black and blue hair. They walked past them without saying anything.

As they entered the room Mitch saw the familiar face of Velvet. "Ah hello there Mitch would you and your parents please take a seat," said Velvet pointing to three chairs in front of her. "I didn't know you were a teacher here," said Mitch. "Oh well I wasn't but they were short staffed, so I agreed to work here," said Velvet giving him a smile.

"So, what do you plan to teach our kid about," said Joby. "Oh yes, we will cover the normal classes as well as me helping them learn about themselves and their Thoughtline," said Velvet.

"Will he have to walk to school or what?" asked Trai. "Yes, this is one of the things we need to talk about. We offer a dormitory for each class. If you want, he can live there, and you can visit on weekends and holidays. All you have to do is sign this form," said Velvet signing a form across the table.

"Well Mitch what do you want to do," said Trai. "I want to live here," said Mitch excitedly. "Well, I don't see anything wrong with it, so I agree to let Mitch go," said Trai signing the form. "Good now then that is all unless you have any questions for me," said Velvet giving them a happy smile. "No, we do not," said Joby. "Wonderful then you can go," said Velvet. They got up and left the room


"Yes we agree to let him live here," said Janna's dad.


"Yes as long as we can see our wonderful daughter Sarah," said Sarah's mom.


"Sure why not he is annoying to have in the house," said Jerry's dad.


"Very well as long as he keeps up his grades," said Wilt's dad. 

I'm going to work on my other story for a bit now since I just finish this arc but I should be back in a month or 2

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