First day of school part 1

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I'm back and I got a whole arc planed out so let's get this back on the road so get ready for the new people. 

"You ready M?" Janna asked Mitch as they took their first step into their new school. "Yeah, what about you J?" asked Mitch. "Of course, I'm ready I'm going to be the top in the class!" yelled Janna, getting some odd looks from the people around them.

"Janna come on, can you act normal for once," complained Jerry. "This is normal for me," said Janna. "I don't mean for you, I mean for a normal person," said Jerry. "But I'm not a normal person, I'm a Will user after all," said Janna. "She got you there, Jerry," said Wilt.

"He's right," said Mitch. "Oh well we're coming up on the room," said Jerry in defeat. "Hey Sarah," said Janna waving at Sarah as she came into their line of sight. "Oh, hey guys," said Sarah raising her hand as if to wave then putting it back down.

"So, are you also staying here?" asked Wilt. "Yeah, I am," said Sarah. "Have you seen any of our other classmates?" asked Mitch. "No, I got here just a minute or two ago," said Sarah. "Oh well we should see them soon," said Mitch.

"Oh, are you also in this class?" asked a girl standing outside of the classroom. She was trying to cover up her body like she was ashamed of it. She had tan skin, green eyes, and black hair that went down to her back.

"My name is Shell," said Shell. "Nice, my name is Janna," said Janna. "I'm Mitch," said Mitch. "I'm Wilt," said Wilt. "I'm Jerry," said Jerry. "And I'm Sarah," said Sarah blushing from meeting a new person.

"So, you are the weak peasants in my class?" said a voice behind them. The person who the voice belonged to had a mix of blue, black hair. He also had one blue eye and one black eye with a firm build.

"Who you are calling weak!" said Janna. "You peasant," the boy said coldly. "How abut we test your idea out," said Janna getting ready for a fight. "Janna stand down. This is probably just part of his Thoughtline," said Wilt putting his hand on her shoulder. "Fine, then what's your name all high and mighty," mocked Janna.

"My name is Alton. But this is not part of my two Thoughtlines. I know I'm better than you peasant," said Alton in his normal cold voice. "Yeah, well I might be a peasant but you're about to be in the hospital," said Janna getting ready to punch Alton. As Janna pulled her arm back Alton started to channel his Will.

"Take this," yelled Janna as she launched her punch. "Earth Will: Earth spiked Sphere," said Alton picturing a gray sphere covered with spikes right in front of him. Janna's fist nearly hit a spikily ball of earth. But she ducked down and ended the punch by hitting Alton in the stomach.

Alton was knocked to the ground by the force of her blow. As he started to get up, he willed for his earth sphere to hit Janna. "Janna, look out!" yelled Mitch as he saw the sphere start heading towards her head. Janna managed to duck just in time to avoid the attack.

But that didn't stop the sphere as it came back around aiming for her head again. Janna knew that unless she destroyed the sphere, it would keep coming back to attack. Knowing that she started gathering her Will getting ready for her attack.

She pictured a gray sphere right in front of her head. Right before the earth sphere would hit her, she said, "Fire Will: Fire Sphere," as a sphere of fire appeared right in front of her head.

As the earth sphere hit the fire sphere it started to disintegrate as it moved farther and farther into the sphere of fire. But by then Alton was back on his feet and went to sucker punch Janna in the face.

As he started the punch his fist was caught by a very mad Velvet. "What do you think you are doing?" demanded Velvet. "I think I'm about to punch the person who punched me," said Alton his cold voice turning mad. "Look I don't care who started it. But since this is the first day of school, and you just met each other so you don't know each other too well. But I this happens again I will just say this you will regret ever entering this school!" said Velvet in an angry tone unlike her normal kind one. "Fine," they both said.

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