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Third person POV (The next day)

Paul, Eric and Gene felt like shit. If they only asked. If only they trusted her. They would have known that she would have never cheated on Tommy. They thought the worst. And they shouldn't have. They felt guilty. She was their chosen one. And this is what they do to her. If only they asked. If only Tommy asked. They should have known that Abigail would always be faithful to Tommy. But of course they didn't think that. They thought she was with another man.

Her own damn brother.

Why didn't they just ask.

It was her own brother for crying out loud.

If he was in the family pictures. Why didn't they figure out that he was family? Because he looked older then her? That gave them no right to judge her. And what's worse. Is that they still have to tell Tommy. And he's gonna feel like shit. They didn't know which of the three of them were going to tell him. They didn't know how he was gonna react. But they knew that he was gonna feel guilty and like shit after blocking her out, ignoring her. Her birthday was less then a week away. She was gonna be seventeen. And they knew she wasn't exactly happy, with either of them. They didn't know what they were gonna do. She wasn't just pissed with them, but she was pissed off at Tommy.

And they agreed. He should have went to her and asked. But he didn't.

But how were they going to survive the whole summer if she's going to be staying on the tour bus with them.

The three of them shook their heads.

They were screwed.


(A few hours later)

It was time to face the music. And they didn't know what to do. Just blurting it out wasn't the best idea. It didn't work out very well with Halle and Abigail. But how were they going to tell Tommy? He deserved to know. He deserved to know that his mate wasn't unfaithful. That he messed up.

Even though they didn't know how they were going to tell him. They still knocked on Tommy's dressing room. It took a minute or two. "Come in", they heard his voice call out to them. They hesitated to open the door. But they eventually opened it. There he was. Sitting there, taking off his makeup from tonight's concert. The three of them gulped nervously. Yes, even Gene seemed nervous. Didn't think it was possible. But it was.

Tommy turned to look at them. Most of the makeup was off. They could see the bags under his eyes, the new formed lines on his face. But they could still see the anger in his eyes. That only caused them to be more nervous. "What do you guys need. I'm kinda busy", he told them. Yeah right, he just wanted to be alone. But it was Paul that stepped up. If they don't tell him now. Then they'll never be able to. "Tommy", Paul said softly. He watched as Tommy rolled his eyes. "What is it Paul? I don't have all day you know. There are plenty of groupies out there to be seen", he said.

He didn't know why. But those words caused anger to fuel through Paul's veins. He was angry. How could he say that? When his mate was never even unfaithful! He clenched his fists tightly. "She was never unfaithful! You dumbass! Those pictures, those photos! That man! He was her brother! She was never with another man, she was with her brother. Damn it, that is Jackson Winchester, his picture is all over the damn house, If you ever taken a chance to look at the walls, there are frames of him all over the house, he's even in their family photos. She wasn't exactly hiding him, we just never asked her about him. For gods sake, she never laid with another man. And here you are, speaking of laying with another woman. When we all know you promised her you wouldn't!", Paul didn't know where it all came from.

He thought they would have told him in a better way. But the thought of Tommy hurting Abigail like that. It only angered him more. The talk of sleeping with a damn groupie, the thought of Abigail's hurt. He couldn't do it. He couldn't let Tommy do that without knowing that Abigail never cheated.

His chest was heaving. He was breathing heavily from the sudden yelling. He tore his eyes away from the carpeted floor. And looked at Tommy. Who seemed to be frozen. "H-How do you know that?", he stuttered. Paul glared at him angrily. "Unlike you. We asked. We asked Halle and we asked Abigail. You know how hurt she is, because you didn't bother to fucking ask her? She's hurt because you didn't have faith in her and your relationship. She's angry, not just at us, but at you. You, your supposed to be her mate, and you didn't bother to ask her. If only you asked her, she would have told you that he was her brother. Unlike you, she was faithful", Paul said angrily. His eyes flashing a dark red. He was angry. Angry with himself. And angry with Tommy.

The three of them watched as Tommy turned away from them. Like it didn't bother him. That only made Paul angrier. He rushed over to Tommy's side and turned him to look at him. "Do you actually love her, or was it all an act!", he yelled in Tommy's face. But then he got a good look at Tommy's face. He didn't look angry anymore. His eyes were wide and glassy. He looked pale. "I-I was never unfaithful to her. I was just speaking out of my own ass. Because I felt hurt and angry. I would never sleep with a Groupie. You guys know that right?", he told them. Paul then noticed that he was shaking.

Paul sighed in irritation. "Of course we know that. You dumbass. But she doesn't. Not only did you break her trust in your relationship, but you broke her trust in you", Paul told him as he ran a hand through his hair. He watched as Tommy got up and started to pace. "I have to fix this. I have to fix this. She has to know I messed up. But she has to know I love her. She knows I do. I can fix this. I know I can fix this", he mumbled to himself. "Good luck with that. She doesn't even want us around the house or her. So good luck trying to talk to her", Eric said.

The three of them watched as Tommy ran a hand through his hair. "I'll just have to work harder. I know I can. I have to fix this. She's worth it. She's my mate, and I have to fix this. I have to prove that I'm sorry. That I do want this, that I want her. And I will. I'll prove that I love her. I will", he said as he paced faster.

The three only hoped that he did fix things with Abigail before the summer. It was in less then a few days. And they had a feeling that Abigail wasn't a push over. She wasn't the person to just say 'I'm sorry' to and everything magically goes back to normal. Oh no. It was gonna take awhile for her to forgive him and then.

And they only hope that she did forgive them.

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