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Abigails POV

Every day and night. It hurt more and more. The pain in my heart. Knowing even my mate didn't want me. But what was so special about him anyways? Huh, I mean I didn't even know him for that long. And every time I even think about moving on. I see his face everywhere. I can't escape him. He's in my dreams. And then I remembered. For a split second it felt like I was wanted. That he wanted me. I felt so special. To him. It felt like he wanted me. He made me feel wanted. But I had to fuck it up and say that. But he would have found out anyways, so why hide it? He wanted me to be human. What's so special about humans? I mean they're slow and weak. I know I shouldn't say that because my mother was once human, and I'm half human. But at least my father wanted my mother. But I'm the bastard of the family. The mistake. The half breed. Of course he didn't want me. He wanted someone perfect. Like him.

I'm not perfect. I'm damaged. Unfixable. I'm can't be fixed. It's how I am.

I sat down on the floor of my bedroom. Lights off, curtains closed. I was in complete darkness. I liked it this way. I leaned on my knees. I wrapped my arms around my knees. Just hugging myself close to myself. It's better this way. He can find someone better then me. He probably already has. Leaving me in the dust. Like always. I'm the runt, the one in the pack that always gets left behind. I just sat there and listened to my thoughts. I could hear my parents fighting downstairs and of course it's about me. Like always. I'm always the problem. I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks and I didn't have it in me to wipe them away. So I just let them fall freely.

I listened in as my parents fought about me.

"She hasn't seen daylight in days Halle! She sits in her room for days on end, she hasn't been to school in days, she sits up there in the dark, doesn't say a word to any of us, not even Jackson, something is wrong with our daughter!", I heard dad yell at mom.

"No shit Derek! She's grieving, she thinks her mate left her behind, she thinks her mate rejected her! You don't know how hard that is for her, how do you think you would have felt if I rejected you?! Huh? What if I wanted nothing to do with you?! But I did, I loved you, I fell in love with you, just like her, she fell in love with her mate, she needs time to grieve, she needs time to find herself again, she's not a toy you can rebuild and fix, she's a girl, she's our little girl, in pain and heartbreak, so she needs her time, she needs time to herself, if we don't give her time to find herself, we might as well never get our little girl back, she needs time Derek", I heard mom argue with dad.

I sighed and rocked myself. I hated when they fought about me. I always hated it.

"Fine, but I will not have that man in my house, he broke my little girl and I won't let him in this house, over my dead body", I heard dad growl at mom. I heard her growl back at him. "He just wants to fix things! It was all a misunderstanding, just like in his letter! It was all a misunderstanding! Give him a chance! Give them a chance to be together! Just like I gave you a chance! Don't do this to her, as may not want to see him, but that man is her mate, her only chance at love and your not helping the situation!

If we just let him see her, they can fix things and we can have our daughter back, he can fix things, I want my daughter back damn it! I will not see my little girl hurt herself and be in pain any longer, I know you don't like him at the moment, but if it's the only chance at getting our daughter back, then hell I will, because they deserve one chance, you didn't see the way he looked at her like I did, it was the same way you looked at me the first time we met, and I knew she fell for him as I did you, so I'm not asking you to like the man, but I'm asking you to help me get our daughter back, please", I heard mom say. I could hear her voice break while she talked.

But as she finished. The voices came back. The negative voices. I clenched my eyes closed and held my arms around my head. I hid my head in my legs. The voices were too damn loud! They were too loud! I rocked myself and cried harder and harder. Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Please! No more!

I fell to the floor on my back and curled into a ball. I held myself as the voices came and went. They never stopped. Not since that day. And now they won't leave me alone. I held my myself tighter as the voices got louder and then lower. It was driving me fucking crazy! I stopped rocking myself. I just laid there and kept my eyes closed. I just held myself tightly and didn't let go. If I did, I would have screamed to the top of my lungs in pain and heartbreak.

"Tommy", I whispered to myself. I slowly opened my eyes. It was as if I was dreaming. I saw him laying next to me on the floor. He just laid there staring at me. I raised a arm and touched his face. I knew I was going fucking crazy in the head. But I just wanted this to last for a little while longer. Just a bit longer. I touched his face. A sad smile lit up on my face. "Tommy", I whispered. It almost felt like I was touching him. But I knew he wasn't here. He wasn't here and I knew that. But just seeing him here at the moment, pushed away some of the strain on my aching heart. Just for a little bit. I smiled more and continued to touch imaginary Tommy's face.

Tommy's POV

"Tommy", I heard her voice whisper my name. I gasped awake. I sat up in bed and looked around. It sounded so real. She sounded so real. Like she was here with me. I rubbed my eyes. I put my hand on my racing heart. It was racing. I breathed out. And then I sighed. All I could think about was her. Her beautiful face, everything. The way she smelled, the way she smiled, the way she tasted. The way she called me her mate. I whined softly. I knew I hurt her by not saying anything, and I regretted it more then anything. I never wanted to hurt her. I missed her so much. My heart yerns for her. To be with her and hold her. Just know that she's safe. I felt something wet hit my hand and I noticed that I was crying. I hurt her, I hurt my mate. And now she thinks I rejected her. I clenched my fists together. "I'm coming Abby, I'm coming baby, don't worry, I'm coming, I'll be there soon", I whispered softly to myself. My baby, my baby, my baby girl. My mate. My beautiful mate. I'm coming back. And when I do, I'll never leave your side again. I promise baby girl.

I laid back in my bed and rested my head on the pillow. I knew I couldn't fall back asleep. So I did the only thing I could. I thought of her. Hoping she was Okay. Please be okay. Please.

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