Meeting the guys

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Abigail's POV a day later

It took us a full day later to step out of my room. I didn't want to leave him or my room. So we just cuddled and talked the whole time. We talked about random things, we cuddled the whole time. In different positions. On top of his chest, he even laid in between my legs and rested his head on my chest. Which made me blush red. I curled into his side. So I was hesitate to step out of my room, but knowing I had Tommy by my side, I was content. He kept a arm wrapped around my back. We walked down the stairs. He smiled down at me. "So beautiful", he whispered to me. Which only made me blush more. Damn you for making me blush! The minute we stepped off the last step, we could hear the sound of talking in the kitchen. Well he could, all I could hear was muffled voices.

We soon stepped into the kitchen. My parents were in the kitchen. But what surprised me, was the rest of the band kiss were sitting down at our kitchen table. I blushed red. I hid my face into Tommy's side. He chuckled. "Come on baby, go eat, I can hear your stomach growling from here", he said taunting me. I growled at him and gently nipped through his shirt. He chuckled. "I guess your that hungry huh, go eat before you start eating me", he said. I growled at him playfully. How dare he embarrass me in front of his band members? That's embarrassing!

I pulled my blushing face out of his shirt and saw I was being stared at. I blushed again. But before I could hide my face again. I was pulled away from Tommy and into the arms of my mother. "Oh my baby, I'm so happy you've finally came out of your room, you've had us so worried", she said as she smothered me. "Mom, mom, I'm fine, just hungry", I said. She pulled away from the hug. "Oh yes, you must be starving", she said as she started on making food. I then saw dad. He smiled at me. "How's it going kiddo?", he asked me. I giggled and hugged him. "I'm sorry I worried you pops, I didn't mean too", I said, it was muffled by his shirt. But most likely he heard me. He rubbed my back. "It's okay now abbs, everything's okay now", he said. I didn't catch the glare that he sent Tommy.

"Now go sit down and wait for your mother to make some food, cause I'm pretty sure your stomach is eating itself", he said jokingly. I giggled and nodded. "Sure pops, sure", I said shaking my head while laughing. I noticed there wasn't any room at the kitchen table, so I sat down at the other table with the spinning chair. One reason why I normally don't sit on it, is because it's freaking tall as shit. Oh lord. I tried my hardest to get my ass on it. But I couldn't. I pouted. I heard laughter enter the room. Oh great, I couldn't get my ass in a chair and now people were laughing at me. Great, just great.

"Here baby, let me help you", Tommy said as he helped me into the chair. I blushed and turned to him. "Thank you", I whispered to him. He smiled and kissed the top of my head. "Your welcome", he said while pressing his lips to my forehead. He then turned me around so I was facing his band members. I blushed. Damn it. Stupid shyness. I can't stop fucking blushing. "Guys, I'm pretty sure you already know Abigail, my mate. So Abby baby, these are my band members/pack members, there's Paul, that's Eric, and that's Gene, don't let the whole grumpy angry phase get to you, once you really get to know him, he's a giant teddy bear", he said. I giggled as I watched gene glare at Tommy. Tommy just grinned at him.

Paul laughed. "It's nice to finally and properly meet you Abigail. Tommy wouldn't shut up about you, it's like we already know you, except for how small and short you are", he said grinning at me. I blushed. I hate when people call me small and short. People are just freakishly tall and I'm still growing. I pouted. "I'm still growing", I mumbled. They just laughed at me. Making me pout again. How rude. "Aww baby, he only means well, I promise. You should see Eric without his heels on, he's almost as short as you", he said. I giggled. "Hey! When did this become about me?", Eric said glaring at Tommy, which only made me giggle more. "Okay, no more laughing or giggling, until you finish eating, like I always say......", but I cut her off. "A wolf who eats all her food is a strong wolf, stronger then a wolf who hasn't, yeah I know mom, you've Been telling me that since I was three years old", I said smiling at her. She laughed and pinched my cheek. "Don't you ever forget that", she said. I pawed at her hand, I hated when she pinched my cheek.

"Mom, stop. You know I hate when you do that", I said whining. She giggled. She raised her hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay", she said laughing. She then put a plate in front of me. Oh my god! It smelled amazing! I licked my lips, I heard my baby fangs click. "Table manners young lady, no baby fangs at the table", she scolded me. I rolled my eyes. "Ugh, mom, really. Not my fault I don't have control over them yet", I said. "Don't roll your eyes at me young lady, put those fangs back in or so help me I can still spank you", she said warning me. I sighed. "Yes mom", I said. I pressed both of my thumbs on my baby fangs and heard as they clicked back in. I hate when they don't pop back in when they want to. I sighed again and grabbed my utensils. I started to eat. Pancakes, bacon, eggs and Hashbrowns. I licked my lips again and this time my baby fangs didn't pop out. I started to eat. I watched as mom sat down a glass of milk for me. "Thanks mom", I said. She smiled at me. "Your welcome Baby", she said. Then her and dad started to eat.

I picked a part of my egg and put it in front of Tommy's face. He smiled and bit it off of my fork. "She never shares her food", I heard dad whisper to mom. I blushed. "It's instinct Derek", mom whispered back. I just rolled my eyes and began to eat again. I hate when they embarrass me. After I ate, I noticed I was the only one finished. Oh well. I put my plates and cup in the sink.

And then I heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it", I said. I walked out of the kitchen and slid across the wooden floor, since they're slippery with socks. I opened the door, and I was greeted with the face of our nosy neighbor. Rebekah. Great. I just stared at her bored. "Can I help you?", I asked her. "I noticed you weren't at school today, I was just worried", she said. Fucking nosy ass bitch. She just wants to gossip more to her friends across the street. "And how is that your business?", I asked her. She went to talk, but I felt arms wrap around my waist. "Who is it baby?", Tommy asked me. "Oh it's just my neighbor Rebekah", I told him. Rebekah seemed shocked to see him. "Your........your.......", she stuttered. "Tommy Thayer, yes I know", he said giving her a fake grin. Then she looked at me. "With..........her.......?", she asked. Great. Just great. More gossip. "If you need to know so badly, then yes. She is my mate", he said. She looked really shocked. But do I give a damn? Fuck no. "Goodbye Rebekah", I said as I closed the door in her face. I turned to Tommy. He smirked at me. "I've never seen this side of you, it's sexy", he said. I rolled my eyes. "You don't know her like I do, she's going to go gossip to her friends across the street, just like she did when she found out I was a half breed, then everyone on the whole fucking block knew", I said grumpily. Now look what the bitch did. She turned my happy morning into a ugly one. I made my way back into the kitchen. "Who was it baby?", mom asked me. I growled to myself. "Wicked witch of the block", I said. Mom just rolled her eyes. "Have she no decency, the last time she told everyone that I got plastic surgery, which I happily didn't, grrr, I swear. She does not know how to keep anything to herself", mom said. I growled and sighed to myself. "I'm going to go take a shower", I mumbled to myself. I made my way up the stairs. Stupid neighbor. Stupid Rebekah. Stupid bitch.

Tommy's POV

I watched as she made her way up the stairs. I knew she would want to me time to herself. I turned to Halle. "What's wrong with her?", I asked her. Halle sighed. She ran a hand down her face. "She's the reason everyone found out about her being a half breed, even the kids at school. Now, no one wants to be friends with her because of it", Halle said. I growled to myself. I could feel my fangs poke at my lips. I could feel the burn of my eyes changing. This bitch, gossiping about my mate. Saying mean about her to other people. Causing her to not have any friends. How dare she?!

I went to leave the kitchen and follow after the bitch. But my arm was grabbed. I growled at Paul. "Going after her won't change anything, all we can do is protect her like we planned. Like we're supposed to", he said. I growled lowly to myself in annoyance. Hating that I couldn't do a thing about it. I hated that bitch and I couldn't wait to get Abigail out of here. I sat down and growled lowly to myself. I hated that I couldn't defend my mates honor. She has no right to say these things about my mate. My mate. She's mine.


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