I'm right here

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Abigails POV

Do you know how it feels to have your heart ripped viciously out of your chest? Well I do. I know I sound dramatic, it shouldn't feel this bad when I didn't really know him. But actually it does hurt more then anything. In our world, the minute you meet your mate, it feels like it's you and them against the world. At first I thought that was how it was going to be. Me and him against the world. But really, it's just me against the world. I think I've always known that, I just didn't want to believe it.

I sighed as I held my pencil in my hand, trying to figure out the equation to this problem. I had agreed to go back to school. Just because my love life is down in the dumps doesn't mean I can't go to school. Even though it's still hell. I bit my lip as I tried hard to figure this stupid question. Why is math so fucking hard? I growled under my breath. Stupid math. I tapped the top of my pencil against my cheek, thinking of the question and try not to think of Tommy. Cause that would be a bad idea. A very bad idea. I looked up at the clock, okay. I can do this, just a bit longer and then I can go home and sulk in my room.

I sighed and looked back at my paper. Stupid paper. I wish I could crumble you up and throw you away. Just like he did my heart. No, don't do it Abigail. Don't you dare. It's not worth the pain. As much as I want to embrace the pain. I knew I couldn't. But then I felt something pull my hair, I knew who it was. And I really didn't want to deal with it today. "Hey loser, hey loser. Hey", I heard Kevin whisper from behind me. I tried ignoring him. But he just wouldn't stop. I growled under my breath. I turned my head and glared at him. "Would you stop?", I growled at him. He just smirked at me. "Brave little bitch aren't you? Mr. Klein, Abigail won't stop bothering me, she's trying to cheat off of me", he said. I could feel the anger boiling up inside of me. How dare he?! "Abigail that just earned you detention after school", Mr. Klein said sternly. I opened my mouth to say something. But he just gave me a stern look. I whimpered and looked away. He was a alpha and I was only a beta. I couldn't do anything about it.

I sighed and went back to my paper. Stupid paper. Stupid Kevin. Stupid teacher. Stupid school. I hate everything. It was only ten minutes that I saw people get up from they're desks and began to walk out the door. What the hell? I got up and looked out the window. It was a limo. I raised a confused eyebrow. Who is that? I shrugged. I had no idea. But it was better then staying in this stupid class and doing this stupid paper work. Everyone was gone, even the teacher. I rolled my eyes. Typical. I walked out of the classroom. I saw most of the classrooms empty. For Pete's sake. It's not the fucking president.

I walked out of the school doors and saw most of the school population outside. I sighed heavily. Whoever it is must be important. I made my way through the crowd of hundreds of students to get a closer look. Since I am shorter then the average person. I finally got to the front of the crowd. Everyone was mostly focused on the limo and not on me. Thank god for that. I looked back at the limo. Wow, big limo they got there. And finally the person stepped out of the limo. My eyes widened. Gene? And out followed Eric, and after him was Paul. My heart started to hammer against my chest. I knew exactly who was next and I don't think I was mentally or physically ready to see him. And once he got out. I started to sweat, I could feel a cold sweat come over me like a spell. Shit, shit, shit. How did he know I was going to be here? Well the good thing is, they were talking to the principal and weren't focused on finding me. Which means I could make my escape. But before I could do that. I stupidly made eye contact with Tommy. My eyes widened and I tried to find in the crowd. "Abigail!", he yelled my name. Nope! Nope! Nope! I'm not ready. I'm not fucking ready!

I tried to get through the Crowd. But they wouldn't let me. I sighed and turned back around. He never looked away from me. So we just kept on making eye contact. But soon he started to make his way over to me. God why did he have to be so fucking beautiful?! I started to make my way over to him. Wanting an explanation why the hell he was here. We met half way. There was still a distance between us. He tried to wrap his arms around me. But I just put a hand on his chest to keep him away. I didn't look up at him. "Abby", he whispered my name. "Why are you here, here of all places?", I asked him. "To see you of course", he said. I sighed. I looked up at him. "Why, you here to pity me some more, and apologize like you did in the letter? I don't want you pity anymore Tommy, I know I'm not what you expected in a mate. But I didn't ask to be a half breed. I didn't ask to be born this way, and you just made it clear with you rejecting me. So why are you here? To apologize more or to mock me? Is that what your here for, sorry to burst your bubble buddy, I've been mocked, shamed and yelled at for what I am. I'm used to it, so you being here is a waste of time", I said. I crossed my arms over my chest.

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