They're leaving

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Abigail's POV

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. That's what I've been trying to tell myself all morning, and honestly I don't think it's working. Not one bit. I could feel the tears in my eyes. Just waiting to fall. I didn't want them to leave. I didn't want them to leave when I've got to know them. It's not fair.

I sniffled and wiped my eyes from tears. I walked out of the house. To see them packing everything in the car. I bit my lip to try and keep myself from wanting to cry. But then Eric turned around and saw me. He had a frown stitched onto his lips. He held open his arms and I found that as an invitation. I literally ran all the way to his opened arms. I sighed shakily as I felt him wrap his arms around me. And I finally let the tears fall, I sobbed. I didn't want them to leave. I felt him rub my back. "It's okay. Everything's going to be okay", he whispered to me. He placed a soft kiss on the top of my Head. I sniffled and just hugged him with all my might. "I don't want you to leave", I muttered but I knew he heard me. He sighed. "I know Abbs, I know. I don't want to leave either. But we kinda have to. But it's not going to be forever, we'll be back real soon. I promise", he said as he pulled back from the hug and smiled at me.

I sniffled. He wiped my eyes of tears. "Don't go crying, cause If you do, I'm going to start crying too and it won't look as manly in front of the guys", he said trying to make me smile. Which it did. It made me giggle. "There it is, there's that giggle I've been waiting all day to hear, you know you'll always be my buddy, my short buddy", he said. I pouted and slapped his arm. "Your short too you know, just because you wear heels don't mean nothing", I said pouting at him. He chuckled. "I guess your right, but we are going to miss you kid", he said ruffling my hair. I tried smacking his hands away. He chuckled again. Before placing a kiss on my head again. "Now go say goodbye to Paul before he starting crying like a baby", he said. I sniffled and giggled. "Okay", I said. He gripped my hand in his and placed a soft kiss on the back of it. "See ya later kid", he whispered before letting go. I nodded at him.

I turned to Paul and Eric was right. He had tears in his own eyes. Which made me feel my own tears in my eyes. I kept myself from crying, but it wasn't going very well. Paul then wrapped his arms around me. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. "I'm gonna miss you Abbz, god, when did you start becoming my best bud, huh?", he said as he pulled away. I watched as a tear rolled down his cheek, and at the same time. A tear rolled down mine. I shrugged. He chuckled through his tears. "I'm seriously Abbz, you really are my best bud. I'm gonna miss you, but it's only going to be a month, but it feels like forever, but the next time we do see each other. I'm gonna bring every single teddy bear or Nick nack I find in every place we go", he said. I giggled through my own tears. "They were right when they said you were the emotional one", I said with a smile. He pouted. "Who said that?", he asked me. I giggled. "I promised not to tell, sorry", I said with a smile. He chuckled. "I'm gonna miss you", he said ruffling my hair. I giggled. "I'm going to miss you too Popo", I said. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "I'm never going to get through you to not calling me that, huh?", he said. I giggled and shook my head. "No, not really", I said with a smile. He chuckled again. "Well, I'm just going to have to endure it", he said placing a kiss on my forehead. "Yeah, you really are", I said giggling. He chuckled once more. "Go on, go say goodbye to gene before I start crying again", he said. I giggled. "Emotional", I sang. He playfully glared at me. I giggled. I turned and was face to face with gene. I smiled at him, but what surprised me was that I saw the itty bit of tears in his eyes. I then smiled. Not as tough as we all think.

"Come here kid, let me get a good look at you before I go", he said as he looked me up and down. I smiled. He grew a smirk on his face. Oh no I know that look. "I fully expect you to grow taller then next time I see you", he said. He chuckled when he saw me pouting at him. I crossed my arms over my chest. "That's not fair, how do you expect that from me?", I said pouting.  He chuckled again. "I just can kiddo", he said as he wrapped his arms around me. I huffed and hugged him back. "I'm gonna miss us kid", he whispered in my ear. I smiled as I hugged him. He secretly had a soft spot for me. I can tell. But I won't tell anyone. "I'm gonna miss you too Geno", I said giggling. He huffed and then chuckled. "Your lucky I let you call me that shortie", he said grumbling under his breath. I giggled. "And your lucky I let you call me that", I told him. Which only made him chuckle. "Your alright kid. I'm goin miss ya", he said to me. I smiled up at him. "And I'm going to miss you too Geno", I said smiling at him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him. I may not have a lot of family or friends. But they were both my family and Friends. And I loved them.

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