A Familur Face in the Snow

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ART IS NOT MINE, I'm not sure who owns it, BUT ITS NOT MINE ;-;

   The wind blew over the bright white snow, creating small whirls of white. The trees moved slightly, icicles clinking against each other. Lumine struggled as she walked through the deep snow, each step covering her boots in more and more snow. The wind was cutting through her clothing, despite having a heavy coat on. She shivered as she continued to walk along the trees. The slight smell of smoke filled the air around her. She lifted her head, looking for the source. Any fire would be amazing so she could warm up. A small cottage could be seen in the distance, the windows warmly lit with a fuzzy orange. The sky was starting to become dim, making it difficult to see the trees. Lumine quickly walked towards the cottage, ignoring the snow on her boots causing her to trip. The cottage slowly got closer as Lumine ran towards it.

   She finally make it up to the snow and ice covered steps, stumbling onto doorstep. She polite knocked, hoping someone was inside. She looked around at the yard of the cottage. She could see an axe placed on top of a tree stump. A stack of firewood could be seen next to the axe.

   The door of the cottage suddenly opened, it creaked as it broke the ice attached to it. Lumine turned around to see a familiar short ginger haired boy.

   "Nice lady!" Teucer said happily. He was holding onto a ruin guard plush he received from Childe.

   "O-oh-" Lumine stuttered, not realising that *that* is who this cottage belongs to. "Hi Teucer!- It's been awhile-" Lumine said as she wondered if she should just run.

   Walking could be heard behind Teucer.

   "Teucer, why do you have the door open? Your letting all of the snow in. And who are you talking to?"

   Childe walked up behind Teucer, his cold and blank eyes looking down at Lumine.

   "Oh! Hello comrade!" He said happily.

   "Hi Childe-" Lumine said with forced happy expression. It was too late for her to run away now, but Childe also didn't seem to be threatening.

   "Can the nice lady come in? She looks cold.." Teucer said looking at Lumine, who was shivering from the cold air.

   "Yes yes, please, come in." Childe said, him and Teucer both stepping aside as Lumine walked in.

   "I'm sorry, I didn't realise this was your house-" Lumine said as she stood in the warm room, already feeling herself warming up.

   "It's ok, really," Childe said as he shoved the door close, struggling with the ice stuck to it. "It's nice to see some old faces around here!"

   "I'll go get nice lady something to drink!" Teucer said as he happily ran into the other room.

   "Oh no.." Childe said as he watched Teucer run off. "I'm sorry if your drink ends up being 90% sugar-"

   Lumine laughed as Childe walked by her, sitting down on the couch near the fireplace. Lumine walked towards the fire, sitting down in front of it. She held out her hands, trying to warm them. She couldn't feel them at all.

   "Sooo- why are you in Snezhnaya?" Childe said as he watched Lumine warm up.

   "I'm here on the same mission as usual- trying to find my brother.."

   "Ah.. did you come here alone? Isn't that small floaty thing normally with you?" He said curiously.

   "Paimon wanted to stay in Liyue for a bit. I was going to come here and then go back for her later." She turned to look at Childe. "I don't know any of this area- so I didn't want both of us to get lost. And I don't think she would do very well with this type of cold-"

   Childe laughed, "yea I think she would've gotten blown away from the snow storms."

   Teucer ran in with some cups in his hands. "I'm back!" He handed Lumine a cup and another to his brother.

   "Thank you," Lumine said as she lifted the cup, taking a sip from it. She pulled the cup away in shock from the amount of sugar in it. She looked at Childe in shock while he silently laughed.

   "I told you," he said quietly. "Thank you Teucer, but I think it's bedtime as well." Childe said as he turned to Teucer. He sighed and slumped over.


   "She'll be here in the morning, you need to get some sleep. You don't wanna be tired while she's here, right?"

   "Fine.." Teucer slowly walked out of the room, walking to his room.

   Lumine giggled as he walked out of the room.

   "I'll go tuck him in later- but you should sleep as well." Childe turned back to Lumine, placing the cup Teucer gave him on the table.

   "Yea- I need to go to town tomorrow-" she said placing down her cup as well.

   "I could always bring you to town if you'd like," Childe said with a smile.

   "No no, it's ok, but if you could just give me directions, that would be nice."

   "Ok, I'll show you where to go tomorrow, but you'll need to leave early to avoid some snow storms." He stood up, grabbing a blanket from the back of a chair. "Here, you can sleep here so your next to the fire. You still look like your freezing-"

   Lumine nodded and shivered. She stood up and walked over to the couch. Childe handed Lumine the blanket. She took off her shoes and laid down, curling up under it, trying to stay warm.

   "Goodnight comrade, I'll see you in the morning." He patted her on the head and walked out of the room. Lumine couldn't tell if she should trust sleeping in the same house as Childe, but she was too tired to really care. She slowly felt herself warm up, causing her to drift off to sleep

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