The Fontaine Capital

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    Lumine happily ran ahead, jumping over grass and puddles. Arlecchino watched her as she ran around with her coat on. Arlecchino could see the city more clearly now, seeing more details of the architecture. She looked down, seeing a small patch of flowers below her. The flowers had a cool blue tone to them. Arlecchino bent down to pick a few, holding them in her hands as she continued to walk after Lumine.

   "Lumine, come back." Arlecchino called out.

   Lumine turned around, realising how far ahead she ran. She jogged back to Arlecchino, standing in front of her. She smiled as she looked up at Arlecchino.

   "What?" She said happily.

    Arlecchino reached her hand up, brushing some of Lumine's bright blond hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. She took one of the flowers she picked, putting it in her hair. Lumine blushed slightly, looking at the flowers Arlecchino was holding.

   "Oh, you found some Roses of Sharon," she said as she touched the flower in her hair.
   "Oh, I've never seen these flowers before," Arlecchino said looking down at the flowers in her hand. She gently grabbed Lumine's hand, holding it up and placing the remaining flowers in it. "But I thought they were beautiful."

    Lumine happily held the flowers in her hand, admiring the light blue color. "You should wear one too! So we can match," she said as she grabbed a flower and placed it in Arlecchino's hair. She wanted to brush through Arlecchino's silky hair but shook off the temptation.

   Arlecchino giggled, looking down at Lumine. Lumine suddenly grabbed Arlecchino's hand, catching her by surprise. Lumine walked ahead while intertwining her fingers with Arlecchino's as they walked towards the city.

   The capital of Fontaine was an odd city. The city was supported and hovering over the edge of a waterfall. Large gears slowly turned, moving parts of the city around, constantly shifting builds and structures. The city had small shops and houses outside of the capital, all around the river that slowly moved off the cliff.

   Lumine and Arlecchino walked through the small shops and stores. People wearing high-class clothing walked past, quietly talking to each other as they walked. A few citizens were seen near the water, slowly moving it around with the power of their Visions. A child held up a small ball of water, admiring it glimmer in the sunlight until it fell apart, drenching their clothes.

    Lumine looked around happily. "It's been so long since I've been here, everything still looks the same though."

   Arlecchino silently looked around, still holding onto Lumine's hand. Her eyes came across some people looking at her and Lumine, specifically looking at her. They seemed to be the guards for the city. They glared are Arlecchino, knowing very well who she was.

   Arlecchino looked off in the distance, ignoring their gaze. She slightly tightened her grip on Lumine's hand as they walked. She would never forgive herself if Lumine got hurt or in trouble because of her.

   "-I also liked going there when I first came here, they have nice food." Lumine said. Arlecchino snapped back to reality, realising Lumine was talking.

   "Oh, that sounds nice," Arlecchino said blankly.
   Lumine turned to Arlecchino, noticing her tone. "Is everything ok?"

   "Yes, everything is fine," Arlecchino quickly answered.

   "Hm.." Lumine glared into Arlecchino's eyes. "Let's go to the inn for now." She said as she lead Arlecchino to a small building. Arlecchino felt slightly relieved.

   They both walked into the inn, seeing someone at the front desk.

   "Hello! Welcome to the Fontaine Inn, would you like a room?" The receptionist asked.

   "We would like a room for two, please." Lumine said with a smile.

   The receptionist looked into a book, figured out what room was free. They stated the room number and price to the girls. Arlecchino held out a bag of Mora, placing it on the desk before Lumine could pay.

   "Thank you, I hope you two have a great rest of your day," the receptionist said happily.

   Lumine nodded and walked off, playfully glaring at Arlecchino.

   "Why did you not let me pay.." she pouted as they walked to the room number.

   "Because, you should not have to pay for it."

   "Thank you," Lumine smiled as they both walked up to their room door, opening it with the keys and walking in.

   The room as small and homey, having two beds and a nice living space. Lumine stood in the middle of the room, admiring it as Arlecchino closed the door and locked it. She didn't trust leaving that door unlocked. Lumine took off Arlecchino's coat and placed it down on the bed. She plopped down on her bed next to the coat, stretching out comfortably.

   "Ah, it's nice to have a comfy bed," she said tiredly as she started to drift off instantly. The sun was still going to be up for a few more hours, but Lumine was obviously exhausted.

   Arlecchino walked around the room, placing down the bag over her shoulder. She looked out the window, admiring the view. Arlecchino turned around, noticing Lumine already had her eyes closed as she laid in the middle of the bed. She was slightly curled up, comfortably resting her head on a pillow.

   Arlecchino slowly approached the bed. She carefully grabbed a blanket from the bed, holding it up and pulling it over Lumine. Arlecchino crawled onto the bed, laying down behind Lumine. She threw the blanket over the two of them, keeping them warm.

   Lumine's eyes opened slowly. She realised the blanket was over her as she laid there, feeling more comfortable. Lumine felt Arlecchino's arms snake around her waist, pulling her backwards. She felt Arlecchino press against her, tightly hugging her. Arlecchino buried her face on the back of Lumine's neck as they both laid there in silence. Lumine felt her face heat up as Arlecchino tightly held her.

   "Are you ok?" Lumine hesitantly asked, overcoming her shyness since she could tell something was wrong.

   Arlecchino nuzzled into Lumine's neck, hugging her a little tighter. "Mhm."

   "We won't be in the city for long, we'll be away from all of these people soon." Lumine said softly as she placed her hand over Arlecchino's.

   Arlecchino hummed, "Yea."

   Lumine tried to turned around while Arlecchino held onto her. She eventually managed to turn around, facing Arlecchino who was still holding onto her waist. Lumine wrapped her arms around Arlecchino, tightly hugging her. She pulled herself against Arlecchino, laying her head against Arlecchino's chest.

   "I'm here for you. Remember, I said I'll kick anyones ass if they stare at you."

   Arlecchino laughed slightly as she relaxed in Lumine's arms. Lumine felt it was odd that she was comforting a Harbinger, but she didn't think much of it. Arlecchino wasn't any different from any normal human. She could tell that Arlecchino was done with people looking at her, thinking she was a heartless murderer walking down the streets.

   Lumine looked up at Arlecchino. "Oh, your daily complement!" She said happily. She snuggled closer to Arlecchino. "It feels warm to be in your arms."

Frozen Love (Arlecchino X Lumine)Where stories live. Discover now