Missing Sibling

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    Lumine stayed at Arlecchino's house for awhile, her shoulder slowly healing every day. Arlecchino would help change her bandages and make sure her wound was always clean. Lumine would watch her cleaning her wound, slightly blushing.

   One day Lumine was sitting on the floor next to the fire. She was finally able to walk around on her own and never felt dizzy while doing it. She looked at the fire sadly. *I came here to find my brother.. and now I'm not able to leave this house without almost getting killed..* she thought sadly, tears slowly forming in her eyes. *Is Aether even going to care when I find him..? Even if I do find him..* tears fell from her face, making her face feel cold. She looked down at her hands that were covered in small scars from her adventures. *What if all of this ends up with me never finding him..*

   Arlecchino walked through the front door, quickly closing it to prevent the snow and biting cold from coming in. She sighed and then looked over at Lumine, noticing something was wrong.

   Lumine didn't look at her, she continued to blankly stare at the fire, tears falling to the floor.

   Arlecchino sat down next to her, sitting a little bit away from her. She finally got her coat back, it covered her shoulders and spread across the floor. Lumine continued to blankly stare at the fire.

   Arlecchino reached over, she almost touched Lumine's hand, but backed away.

   Lumine reached her hand over to Arlecchino's and held it, lacing her fingers with hers. She didn't take her eyes off of the fire as she held Arlecchino's hand.

   "What's wrong..?" Arlecchino said, leaning forward slightly to see Lumine's face.

   Lumine shook her head, signaling that she didn't want to talk about it. She wiped her sleeve across her face, wiping away tears.

   Arlecchino hesitantly placed her hand on top of Lumines, holding her hand in both of hers. "It's ok, you can talk about it whenever you are comfortable."
    Lumine's eyes started to well up again from Arlecchino's comforting words. She leaned against Arlecchino's shoulder. "I just want my brother back.."

   Arlecchino leaned her head against Lumine's, squeezing her hand. She stayed silent as Lumine's quiet crying filled the room.

   "Hey, do you want to go on a walk..? Maybe it will help.." she said tilting her face towards Lumine's. She nodded and continued to stare at the fire.

   Arlecchino stood up and gently pulled Lumine to her feet. Arlecchino opened the front door, allowing Lumine out. The cold air hit Lumine's face making her shiver slightly. The trees glowed brightly, the icicles had sun beams shining through them.
    Arlecchino walked forward, signaling what way to walk. Lumine followed, holding onto part of Arlecchino's coat. They continued down the path, both staying silent. The trees started to thicken up, making the forest more and more dense. They made their way into a small clearing in the trees. A small frozen over pond could be seen, the top of it glistening in the small beams of sunlight.
   Lumine looked at the pond, amazed. "I haven't see a simple pond like this look so beautiful.." she said wiping the last few tears from her eyes.

   Arlecchino nodded, "This is one of my favorite spots," she walked up to the surface of the pond. Arlecchino placed her hand on the frozen ice. She activated her Vision, vaporising the ice. The steam filled the area, making the cold a little less noticeable. Lumine walked up to the edge of the pond, looking at the water. It glistened as if it was filled with stars, slowly swirling around. Arlecchino stood up, standing close to Lumine.

   "It's beautiful.." Lumine said watching the water, she didn't even realize she was shivering.

   Arlecchino stood beside Lumine, looking down at the pond. "Lumine, don't put pressure on yourself to find your brother." Arlecchino said quietly, looking over at her. "I've heard stories on how hard you have worked to find him, but please don't overwork yourself."

   Lumine started crying again, looking down at the pond as Arlecchino spoke.

   "Never beat yourself up over it, you'll find him soon. And even if you don't find him, it's not your fault that he's gone, it was never your fault." Arlecchino said as she placed her hand gently on Lumine's shoulder.

   Lumine wiped her tears away, "Thank you.." she pauses and continues to look down at the pond.
   Both of them stay silent, the wind slowly blowing their hair from their faces.

  "..I have helped.. so many people.. but no one seems to help me.."

   Arlecchino stays silent, listening to Lumine.

   "I love helping people.. but it's always the same thing.. 'help me first'.. and then I never get an answer for anything I ask.." Lumine stopped. "I'm sorry.. I'm rambling.."

   "Don't apologise," she quietly says. "and I wish I had an answer to help you find him.. but I don't.."

   "It's ok.. I just wish I was able to find him.." Lumine walked up to the pond. She kneels down in front of the water, placing her hand in. The stars in the water slowly spin around her hands.

   Arlecchino stands behind her silently, not sure on what to say. The wind slowly picks up, blowing her coat slightly. Lumine stands up, and turns to Arlecchino.

   "Thank you for bringing me here.." she says smiling at Arlecchino. She smiles back and nods.

   "Let's go back, I can make you something to eat," Arlecchino points behind her. Lumine nods and walks next to her as they walk back to the house.

Frozen Love (Arlecchino X Lumine)Where stories live. Discover now