Leaving the Ice

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    Arlecchino and Lumine walked down the snow dusted path. The snow began to clear up, showing the grass beneath it. Arlecchino was ahead, her coat swishing back and forth as she walked. Lumine looked down at Arlecchino's hand.

   *Should I hold her hand..?* she thought as she walked behind her. She looked off into the trees, embarrassed at the thought. *Did she kiss me just as a joke.. or did she actually mean it?* Lumine began to overthink as they walked silently.

   Arlecchino looked over her shoulder at Lumine. "Is something wrong?"

  Lumine looked up suddenly, realising Arlecchino was looking. "O-Oh! No, everything's fine." Lumine said nodding.   Arlecchino slowed down her walking, matching her steps with Lumine's.

   "Mm," Arlecchino looked off into the distance. "What's our plan when we get to Liyue?" She said changing the subject.

   "Um.. I'm not sure." Lumine said looking up at the sky. The sun painted the sky with a light red and purple as it rose up into the sky. "To be honest, we don't have to go directly to Liyue, we could always go someplace else."

   "That's true," Arlecchino said as she blankly stared into the distance. "I've never been to Liyue actually, however, I've heard the Lantern Rites are pretty."

    Lumine nodded, "I could bring you to the next Lantern Rite then!" Lumine said happily.

   Arlecchino nodded, a slight smile appearing across her face.

   Both of them continued down the path, staying silent for the majorly of the walk.

   "Could I ask you something?" Arlecchino suddenly said, breaking the silence.

   "Oh, of course," Lumine said happily, surprised at Arlecchino suddenly speaking.

   "How did you feel when you first saw me?" She said turning to Lumine.

   Lumine looked up at her slightly confused. "I felt confused, because I didn't know what was going to happen to me." Lumine said looking down at the gravel below their feet. "But you had this look in your eyes, a look of protection and safety."

   Arlecchino stayed silent, listening to Lumine.

   "So to answer your question, I was shocked and a little hesitant when I first saw you, but I quickly trusted you."

   "Im glad I didn't scare you too terribly." She said brushing some snow from her hair. "That commonly happens when people first meet me.."

    Lumine grabbed her hand, intertwining her fingers with Arlecchino's. "Well, I wasn't scared when I saw you," she said happily while she swung their arms back and forth.

   Arlecchino laughed as they happily walked down the path. The trees slowly blew in the wind, blowing dusted snow onto the ground. Both of the girls saw a small river in the distance, blocking their path. Arlecchino sighed.

    "If we are where I think we are, there's no bridge nearby that goes across this." She said as they got closer to the river.

   Lumine looked down at the river, still holding onto Arlecchino's hand. "Hm.. the water seems pretty calm, but we should probably just go find the bridge."

   Arlecchino looked at the water in thought. Lumine looked up, seeing the land in the distance across the river. She could see snowless land in the distance. It looked much warmer.

    Lumine suddenly felt herself being lifted off of her feet. Arlecchino held her in her arms, holding her bridal style. Lumine held her hands to her chest in embarrassment.

   "But your clothes will get wet-"

   "-and yours won't." Arlecchino said as she stepped into the river. The water rippled as she walked through it. The end of her coat brushed through the water as she carefully walked across. Lumine looked down at the ground, realising they were on the other side already. Arlecchino didn't spot, not giving Lumine a chance to be placed on her feet.

   "I can walk now," Lumine said looking at Arlecchino.

   "I know." She said with a slight smile. She continued to carry Lumine in her arms as she made her way to the snowless ground. Lumine blushed slightly.

    The sounds of Arlecchino's foot steps turned from crunchy to a soft sound of grass. The air suddenly felt much warmer as they walked into the sun.

    Arlecchino finally placed Lumine back onto her feet, letting her stand on her own.

   "Thank you," Lumine said smiling, turning to Arlecchino.

   "Mhm," Arlecchino said with a smile. She looked down at her boots and the base of her coat. "Luckily only my boots and coat got wet..-"

    "That's good at least, but we can get them dried later."

    Arlecchino nodded and looked off into the distance. "I believe we're on the outskirts of Fontaine."

   Lumine turned around, looking off into the distance as well. "Ohh, yea, the city is over there," Lumine said pointing off into the distance, pointing at a city barely in view. Arlecchino walked ahead, looking around.

   "Well, I guess let's keep going until it gets dark."

   Lumine jogged in front of Arlecchino, running around happily in the sun. It felt like forever since she felt the sunlight. Arlecchino watched, slowly walking. Lumine stopped and looked off into the distance, seeing the hills and water around them. Arlecchino walked up from behind, her wet coat dragging across the grass.

   "Your hair is beautiful in the sunlight," Arlecchino said as she looked off into the distance, too embarrassed to look at Lumine.

   Lumine looked up at her with a slight blush. "Your hair is very beautiful too," she said with a smile.
   Arlecchino looked at her, looking slightly shocked. "Really?-" she questioned.

   "Yea! It's so shinny," Lumine said as she brushed her fingers through Arlecchino's silver hair. Arlecchino looked at her slightly confused but didn't back away.

   "Thank you," she said as if she was questioning the complement.

   "Have you never gotten complements before?" Lumine asked as she pulled her hand away from Arlecchino's hair.

   Arlecchino shook her head, looking down at Lumine. "No, I haven't."

  "Really..? How can people not give you complements!" Lumine said happily. Arlecchino smiled slightly. Her smile seemed to be hiding parts of her past, but Lumine decided not to ask about it.

   Lumine wrapped her arms around Arlecchino, tightly hugging her. Arlecchino slowly wrapped her arms around Lumine, returning the hug. She could feel herself become happier as she hugged her.

   "From now on, your getting complements every day," Lumine happily said.

   Arlecchino laughed, resting her head against Lumine's.

  "Thank you.."

(Btw, I am currently using a "Genshin future map" i found online as a reference to where Lumine and Arlecchino will end up as they journey around Teyvat, so obviously this is not going to be accurate later on when Snezhnaya and Fontaine get added to the game. Snezhnaya is going to be added into the game in like 5 years or something, and I'll probably completely forget about and cringe at this story by then and not change stuff 💀)

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