Morning Sleep

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    Lumine slowly opened her eyes. The sun shown through the trees and illuminated the ground. The distant sound of the nearby lake could be heard, filling the silence in the air.

   Lumine looked down, realising Arlecchino was still holding her. Arlecchino's arms were still tightly wrapped around Lumine as she continued to sleep. Lumine stayed quiet as she started to blush, curling up in Arlecchino's arms.

   Arlecchino shifted around, burying her face into Lumine's shoulder. She hummed quietly in her sleep, feeling as comfortable as she could possibly be. Lumine's blush grew darker as she stared at a nearby tree, not really knowing what to do.

    Both of them remained in the same spot for what felt like forever. The sun slowly rose into the sky, lighting up more of the valley. Lumine remained leaning against Arlecchino, still blushing as she looked up at the sky.

   *The sun is already pretty high in the sky..* she thought.

   "Ar-Arlecchino..?" Lumine looked down at Arlecchino's arms around her.


    Lumine didn't expect her to be awoken so easily. "The sun is up.." she said shyly.

   "I know." Arlecchino said as she nuzzled closer to Lumine.

   Lumine froze, remaining silent.

   "I've been awake for awhile now."


    Arlecchino leaned forward, gently picking up Lumine as she began to stand up. She carefully set Lumine down on to her feet.

   "We can go if you'd like," she said with a small smile.

    Lumine silently nodded, looking away to hide her blushing face. "Why did you not get up whenever you first woke up?"

    "Because I wanted to stay there with you," she said stepping in front of Lumine to look at her blushing face.

  "O-oh.." she held her hands together nervously, looking up at Arlecchino's eyes. She was surprised Arlecchino didn't try to avoid the question.

   *How is she so fucking adorable-* Arlecchino thought as she looked down at Lumine being a blushing mess.

  Arlecchino picked up the bag that held their stuff along with her coat. She threw the coat over Lumine's shoulders, letting her wear it.

   "Well, let's go," Arlecchino said with a smile. She walked down the path through the small forest. Lumine awkwardly followed her, holding onto Arlecchino's coat around her. She continued to blush while she followed behind Arlecchino.

   Both of them walked by the nearby river, watching the water flow by. Arlecchino constantly looked around, making sure everything was safe as they walked. Lumine watched her silently as she followed. Arlecchino looked over her shoulder, feeling Lumine looking at her. Lumine's eyes widened as she suddenly looked away, feeling embarrassed.

   "You were very warm," Arlecchino suddenly said, looking forward again, hiding her smile. She knew very well that Lumine was blushing. "I didn't want to wake you because you were so comfortable to sit there with."

    "Mhm.." Lumine said looking down at the rocks on the path they were walking. "You were comfortable too.."

    Arlecchino silently laughed, feeling her face slightly heat up. She looked off into the distance. Fontaine's city was getting closer and closer as they walked through the valleys of Fontaine.

   "Do we want to go to the main city for tonight?" Arlecchino stepped back, matching her speed with Lumine so they walked side by side.

   "O-oh, yea!" Lumine said looking off at the city. "The hotels there are nice, we can stay there later today."

   "Oh, you've been to the city?" Arlecchino asked, looking over at Lumine.

   "Yea, I went to the city awhile ago, so it may have changed by now-" They started walking off of the path into the vibrant green valley. "Have you never been to the city before?"

   Arlecchino followed behind her, walking closely to Lumine. "No, I have not." She said as she stepped over an overgrown patch of grass. "Harbingers are not able to easily walk into a city and not get unwanted stares, so I have not been to many of the cities in Teyvat."

   Lumine looked into the distance sadly. "Well I can bring you to every city! We can visit them all together, and if anyone stares at you, I'll kick their ass." Lumine put her hands on her hips, looking up proudly. Arlecchino laughed as Lumine looked proud of herself.

   "I'll look forward to that." She said happily.

Frozen Love (Arlecchino X Lumine)Where stories live. Discover now