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Chapter 6. If I make it through tonight everybody's gonna hear me out
- Touchtone Telephone, Lemon Demon
01:09 ━━⬤───────── 04:42

"That idiot, what has he gotten himself into?" Raph worried.

The blue turtle cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak, but Pinky took back his microphone. Before Leo could react, a new microphone was thrown at his face and he barely recovered from his concussion on time to catch it.

"So! I'm pretty well known around these parts, I guess you could call me a minor shell-ebrity!"

He gave the crowd a second to laugh, but someone sneezed in the silence instead.
Leo transitioned seamlessly. "As such, it makes me so honored I could be here at your wonderful shell-ebtration!"

Silence. Someone blew their nose into a napkin.

By now, Leo was starting to sweat a little. "I hope you guys didn't have to shell out too much money!"

They weren't even boo'ing him, they were just waiting for him to say something funny. The added pressure was physically painful to witness.

Snap! Not painful enough to not take a photo of it for class though. You took a couple from a few different angles, as good as you could get anyways. Somehow, this didn't deter Leo who instead posed confidently for each one. So much for the art of invisibility.

"You're taking photos of this?" Mikey asked, wide-eyed. "Ooh! Take one of us next!"

You adjusted your camera and snapped a photo of Mikey, who posed with a radiant and carefree energy. Raph was also caught up in the back looking quite bashful, until April forced them all together, and Donnie yanked you into frame last second, even though the photo came out super blurry and only captured everyone's worst angles.

Pinky laughed at Leo's pathetic show, cracking his knuckles, and his other knuckles, and his other knuckles, and his other knuckles.

"Step aside, slowpoke, before you give them shell shock," he made a shooing motion. "And don't forget to admit you're nothing but green garbage!"

"BWAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!" The room vibrated with how much the audience was laughing. Mikey had snorted at Pinky's pun for some reason, and everyone side eyed him judgmentally.

"Oh come on, that wasn't even original!" Leo crossed his arms. "Ugh, fine I'm... I'm-"

Everyone watched with wide eyes. There's no way the prideful and arrogant Leo would ever possibly admit he was a terrible joker, and you pulled out your camera as he gagged out the words, as if against his own will.

"green.... hrgh, sparkling, dazzling, pile of tr-bleh!-trash." He finished, looking a bit sick.

"Hey now, some people are okay seeing a total loser humiliate himself in front of a bunch of people," Pinky shrugged in an exaggerated manner. "On the other hand, I'm crossing my fingers that… Uh… Yeah!"

Despite his flubber, it still got people going. It was actually concerning now, people were crying of laughter and rolling on the floor. Even Mikey was laughing his lungs out.

"You're really enjoying yourself," April noticed.

"I- Hahaha! I can't- I can't help it! It's the worst joke ever! But I can't stop laughing, hahaha!" Mikey had his hands on his tummy, his face reddening.

Donnie put a hand up. "Humor is objective as they say, even if some people are totally wrong but whatever."

"No, I, hahaha! Seriously, I, hahaaha! I can't stop laughing! Hahaha, make it stop!" Mikey choked with laughter.

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