Chapter 2: The Group

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Kimmy asked if I wanted to have a Girls Day on Thursday, her words not mine but I agreed. A day with Kimmy sounded like fun, we were getting along great so far. It was nice to have a friend, especially one I had a lot in common with.

We took a bus after school to a local park where the infamous view was. It was a beautiful view of the city of Riverside where people sat to watch. We made a pitstop beforehand to buy Icce's and chips.

The landscape was at the very top of a steep hill. When we arrived, the grounds in front of us had tables scattered across for people to hangout. A few teens from our high school were there smoking to the far left.

Kimmy and I sat at the very front. I slouched on top of the table with my legs kicked on the seat and Kimmy sat on the table with her legs crossed.

"How can you like blue freeze when red freeze was right there?" I asked while I drank my red Icee.

"Hey I like blue freeze. I get it all the time and It's my favorite color." She popped her Cheetos open, making a few fly out. I grab the ones that dropped.

The view was pretty amazing. You could see the houses, the high school and very far off you could see the local mall. The sun was beginning to lower a bit.

"You know you really are my first girlfriend. Girls sometimes only talk to me to get near Alex or Cam." She speaks.

"They're that popular?" I ask while I eat the Cheetos.

"Alex is notorious for sleeping with any girl that has an ass and Cam is the biggest flirt in the world. Too bad he's taken though; all the girls want Alex now." I shrug my shoulders.

"I mean Alex is really hot." I admit. His eyes alone made me weak. How can one guy look that good? It was criminal. Kim pushes my arm a bit.

"I knew you'd be into him! You're totally his type." I flip my hair.

"Oh yeah?" I loved that I was his type. I thought about us kissing, his lips on mine. Man, that would be amazing.

"No but really. I think you'd be a great fit in our group, just might have to work on Marco, he hates everyone we bring in." I figured he was iffy about me from the start.

"What's his deal anyway? I got the feeling he didn't like me." I wanted to know. Kimmy sips what's left of her Icee.

"Marco doesn't really like meeting new people. He doesn't trust anyone. He still doesn't like Sam and he calls every girl Alex brings a Bimbo." I can't help but laugh. A Bimbo. Now that's funny, I'm going to use that.

"I have trouble making friends." I confide in her. "I had one friend growing up till high school, I was kind of a loner." I felt like I could trust Kimmy. My life at my last school was pretty lonely. My life in general is filled with loneliness.

"Really?" She says. I nod my head.

"Yeah, I looked different back then, I was ugly."

"I'm sure you weren't that bad." My past wasn't exactly all that great, but I wasn't going to get too deep right now.

"I was but it doesn't matter now because I'm a bombshell." I smile wide at her, faking my confidence.

"I need your self-esteem, there's a boy I like in my theater class named Felipe." She blushes. I get in her face to tease her.

"Oooo Felippeee tell me more." I giggle.

"Stop! He's so cute but I get so shy around guys I like." It was cute to hear she had a crush on someone. Crushes were fun to have. That reminds me of Alex again. I lean back a little to seem like I don't care about what I'm about to ask.

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