Chapter Four: Let's Get This Party Started

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"Hallo! Willkommen auf Deutschland." The lady on the intercom blared through Frankfurt Airport.

Camille and Jenna waited a few minutes to find their luggage and then went off, going through all the procedures they had to.

It took a little bit over 20 minutes to finally get to the long conveyor belt where they could quickly speed to the over side of the big room they were in. And then they walked through some doors and saw a mass amount of people.

Then Camille felt a weight on her shoulder, and then she was pulled into someone.

Pine needle and Cedarwood invaded her scents. This could be one person only - Daniel.

"Hey, kiddo. I missed you." He said softly in her ear.

"Hi, Danny." She whispered into his chest.

Jenna smiled at the scene, in her full day of knowing this girl she's never let her guard down. She's been tough and flirty and maybe a little soft when she scared Jenna, but never this soft. It was an adorable sight to see.

After a few minutes, they pulled away, and Daniel placed a kiss on her forehead.

"How rude of me," He said deeply, "I'm Daniel. Daniel Blair, elder brother of this goofball." He stuck out his hand.

Jenna smiled and said, "Jenna. Jenna Ortega." She shook his hand.

"So you're the girl who my little sister has dragged into this mess. Well, welcome aboard, Miss Ortega. Let's get this party started, shall we? Follow me, ladies." Daniel said, acting as though he was a captain of a crew.

The girls followed him to a McLaren P1, and next to that was a black Ducati motorbike.

Camille gasped, "You got my bike here. How the fuck did you get my bike across seas?"

Daniel scratched his head. "I pulled some strings, I knew this was one of your get away things and so I knew I had to somehow bring it here so if you ever needed to, you know, get away from mum and her craziness you could just ride away."

Camille hugged him again and Daniel just pulled her closer to him, happy he could make her life a bit easier.

"So, you take the bike and me and Jenna will take the car. I've already put the hotel on the GPS, just hand over your ridiculous amount of luggage then we can go." Daniel said, smiling as Camille closed her mouth.

"Are you okay with this, Freckles? You've only just met me and you've just met my brother. I promise that he isn't a psycho or anything, just has a few screws loose in his head." Camille says in a rush.

Daniel pouts at her but Camille ignores this as she focuses on Jenna's answer. "Yeah, it'll be fine. He seems pretty cool."

Daniel laughs and points at Camille, "HA! See, your girlfriend thinks I'm cool!"

Both girls turn red but Camille quickly comes up with a quick remark back, "Obviously she's gonna say that, she's never seen your crazy side before. Or your drunk side either. She's only just met you and you're my older brother."

Daniel sticks his tongue out at her and drags Jenn to the car.

Camille sighs and puts on her black helmet, she sits on the bike and starts the engine, revving it slightly. She smiles when hearing it and then she drives off, her blonde hair wiping behind her as she speeds away, going lower to become more aerodynamic.

Whilst Daniel is putting stuff into the boot Jenna just stares as Camille drives off, she was staring and lost in thought that only when Daniel is blocking her vision is she brought back to reality.

"Fuckkk. You're whipped for my little sister. Come on, Ortega, let's get going. We're gonna be a little bit before Camille because she's gonna take the scenic route and drive to the speed limits. I, however, drive a bit above the speed limits. So buckle in, and enjoy answering my questions." Daniel said, smirking at her as he put on his seat belt.

When Daniel said he drives a bit above the speed limit, Jenna did not think he meant going 150 kilometers per hour in a 100s area.

Not only did she have to experience the quick driving but she had to get interrogated by him as well. Some of the questions were crazy as well such as, "If Camille was to die tomorrow what would you do?"

And so when they arrived at the hotel, Jenna got out of the car as quickly as possible. When she got out Camille had just arrived as Daniel was taking out their luggage.

Camille took off her helmet and shook her hair out and Jenna was in a daze. She quickly shook out of it as she ran towards her. "Camille! I take it back, your brother is insane!" She all but shouted.

Camille laughed as Daniel gaped and put a hand over his heart looking excruciatingly offended.

He scoffed and said to his sister, "I don't like your girlfriend, she's rude and she just deeply hurt me and my feelings."

Camille just laughed and pulled Jenna into a side hug, "Awww. Poor Daniel, did my gorgeous girlfriend offend him?" Camille said, speaking like he was a baby.

"Yes. Yes she did actually. Go sort her out." Daniel snapped back playfully.

"Cry me a river then, loser." Camille said, laughing at his reaction.

"Camille! What did I say about calling your brother names? And that undignified laugh?" A sharp, pointed voice called from behind her.

Camille flinched, and straightened up her face instantly changing into a poised mask. Her eyes narrowed and she whispered a curse as she turned around.

She gave an all too sweet smile and said, "Hello, mother. Lovely to see you again."

She pulled Jenna closer into her as she heard Daniel mutter behind her, "Let's get this party started then."

A/N- and another chapter, I really love Daniel and Camille's relationship. How they're so sweet at first but then they become more sarcastic and witty and playful with each other. We've also just got introduced to another character- the Mother. I wonder how Jenna will react, stay tuned to find out I guess. And if y'all are enjoying this book please vote- you don't have to but it would be really nice. And if you want me to try something out in my writing write it in the comments and I'll try it. Or if you don't like something, put it down in the comments and let me know. Sorry for the long A/N, drink your water and eat your food. Much love,


The Run-In [Jenna Ortega x Fem OC]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora