Chapter Six: Meet the Sister

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I wake as if it's an emergency, as if sleeping had become a dangerous thing. My heart beats fast, and there is a buzzing in my brain, and together, they panic with jump-leads. Only now my brain is as a flat battery, the exertions of the night being a marathon of erratic problem-solving. And so this day will pass as if I am hungover, not from drink, but from the nightmares that demand solutions.

I shoot up. Mother had plagued my dreams once more. This time, she convinced my siblings that I was nothing. A disappointment. Not worthy of their love.

I rub my eyes. Try to think of the ocean, the diamond blue waves pulling in and out, creating a damp patch on the sand. It doesn't really work.

My breathing is still short and choppy, and even after trying breathing exercises, it won't calm down.

I try to get up, but I feel a dip and a turn, and then I feel a soft arm pull me into them.

"Just follow my breathing, Camille." Jenna said in her morning voice.

Her breath was slow, steadying my beating breaths.

I can't tell you how long we were there for. Minutes? Hours? To me, it felt like days. And I was okay with that, being in her grasp. Also, gently rubbing my arm in a circular motion in an attempt to calm me down.

I was pretty calm until… "Well, just read on.

"Camille! Do you know what time it is? You've missed half an hour of breakfast and for what, huh? To cuddle with your girlfriend? UNBELIEVABLE! I can't believe I've raised such an irresponsible girl like you." The loud, booming voice yelled. Her voice reverberated off the walls.

"Sorry, Mother. It seems my alarm didn't go off. We'll be down shortly." I said.

Mother huffed and stormed out of the room and slammed the door.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temple, a headache already starting to form, and the day had just begun.

I didn't even realise that my hands were shaking until I felt Jenna's soft hands on mine rubbing her slender fingers across my hand.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault that we didn't get up at the right time." Jenna says apologetically.

I don't look at her as I take my hand out of Jenna's grasp and walk to the window.
"No, no, it's not. I should've set the alarm and gotten up early."

I open the window and see the sun glaring, and I use my hand to cover my face. I look down at the city, people busily moving around, cars stopping and starting in the distance near the traffic light. In the background, I hear Jenna turn the shower on, and I sigh, already dreading the day.

After staring out of the window for a bit, I threw on some random clothes and went down to the dining hall for breakfast.

I look like death on two legs (great song by Queen, btw) when walking downstairs. The bags under my eyes were massive and black, I was squinting. I had a cigarette in my mouth and was giving the overly nice staff members dirty looks.

My brother pulled me aside the moment he saw me. "Bitch. What the fuck are you doing? Mum is in there and is going to give you hell for what you're wearing. And where's your girlfriend?"

He was angry. Obviously. Mum must have given him a hard time too, he normally isn't this snappy nor cares for me if it's breakfast time.

"Take the fucking cigarette out of your mouth, your sister is also in there and you're going to show off your stunningly gorgeous girlfriend to her and look stunning yourself. Come with me, now." He growled, dragging me back up to my room.

It was a tense silence. Don't like it. We're not usually tense or silent. We're jokey and pissy but never silent.

When we got to my room he shoved me onto the bed and raided my wardrobe.

It took him a good few minutes but when he came back he had chosen: dark grey suit trousers which had a silver chain attached to it, a belt went along with it and I rolled my eyes at him. He gave his signature stink eye. There was a white dress shirt, along with a black tie as well as a charcoal black suit jacket.

I took all the stuff and ushered him out of the room. I proceeded to put all the stuff on and checked myself out in the mirror.

I didn't look that bad. Okay. I look good.

"Fucking hell, Cami, you look fantastic." Jenna's voice said from behind me.

I turned around and fucking hell, Jenna looked amazing in such simple clothes.

She's wearing a white turtleneck and blue jeans and a blue Jean jacket with faux fur, ever so simple and done by many but on her? Those clothes had never looked better.

"You look… you're glowing. Wait- is that my jacket?" I ask, eyes scanning it.

"What can I say, it looks great on me." Jenna replied, tilting her left shoulder towards me and giving me a wink.

I shook my head and sighed as she left the room smugly smiling. I lit another cigarette and returned to the living room where my brother is fawning over Jenna's outfit.

"Jens, darling, you look fabulous. Especially in my sister's jacket."

"My days, shut up, Daniel. I believe we- me and Jenna you fuck head- have to go cause a scene downstairs. Something about being the hottest 'couple' or something." I say, grabbing Jenna by the hand and dragging her downstairs.

We started our descent and it was rather peaceful and then we got to the mahogany oak doors and I whispered in her ear, "Ready, Princess?"

She hummed and I smiled starting up a small conversation about a book I saw her reading.

We pushed open the doors and all eyes turned towards us and I just carried on the conversation, rubbing Jenna's hand after seeing her looking rather nervous.

We then reached the table where a woman with brunette hair tied up in a bun was. She was sitting with a man with a beard who was wearing rather casual clothes.

As I came up behind the woman, I winked at the man to not say anything, and I placed my free hand on her shoulder and kissed her cheek.

"Hey, sis." I said, watching her jump out of her skin and the man looked amused at me.

"Hi, Manuel." I said to the man. He smiled at me and replied in German and I looked back at him with a smirk.

My sister glared at him and then turned around and glared at me as well.

She swatted me on the head. "Don't sneak up on me like that, Milles!"

"Hi to you too! How have you been, Milles? Oh I've been great, thanks for asking, Soph." I said sarcastically.

"Shut up and give me a hug!" She said, wrapping her arms around me. I closed my eyes and buried my head in her neck- doesn't matter if she's a lot smaller than me.

We pull away after a few minutes and then she turns to Jenna. "And who's this stunning young woman you've brought into a Blair scandal?"

"Jenna. Jenna Ortega. Pleased to meet you." Jenna says, sticking out her hand.

"Well, Miss Ortega. I'm Sophie. Sophie Blair."

A/N Okay, okay ik it's been a bit but, school has been rough, my sister has just come back to England yesterday and I just finished school yesterday as well. I'm also ill for Christmas with a nasty cough and a stuffed nose. And, I've been stumped for ideas. However, thank you to the over 800 of you who have clicked on this story and read it, it's truly boggled my mind. I'll try another chap for this week but I'm busy tomorrow because we're celebrating Christmas and going to church and having this massive dinner and opening gifts, so no promises! Comment if you want, vote if you want- it'll really help me if you would though. Eat your food u dolts, drink your water. Much love,


The Run-In [Jenna Ortega x Fem OC]Where stories live. Discover now