Chapter Nine: The Calm After the Storm

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Trigger Warning: blood, gore,

Jenna's POV:

Red. All I see is red. And that's when I realise that I'm covered in blood. I look around to see whose blood I'm covered in and then I see her. Cami, she's on the ground, she's crying and then I realise that I'm not covered in her blood but someone else's blood.

"Danny, oh shit. Stay with me, Daniel. You know I can't do this without you." She says she releases a strangled sob and then screams.

"CAMI!" I yell, running towards her.

She turns towards me and then her eyes harden. Her eyes turn red, and she's angry. No, no. She's livid. She runs at me and grabs me by my throat and lifts me into the air.

"You! YOU KILLED MY BROTHER! YOU FUCKING KILLED HIM AND COME RUNNING UP TO ME AND PRETEND LIKE YOU DIDN'T!" Camille yelled, gripping my throat tighter- constricting my airways.

"Cami, I- I didn't do that to him! I would never hurt him! He's your fucking rock and I would never want to hurt you. Never. Never ever would I want to hurt you, you mean the world to me." I say, my throat burning trying to speak to her with her iron-like grip on my throat.

"Shut up! SHUT UP! YOU ARE LYING! YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME! I HATE YOU!" She yells in my face, and then my vision blurs.

Panting. My eyes open so quickly that I could challenge light itself to a battle of who's quickest- light of course would win. I attempt to get up and it was then I realise that I'm drenched in sweat. And then I become lightheaded and groan as I close my eyes once more to ease the dizziness that follows after it.

"Hey, Princess." A groggy voice says- Camille.

"Hi, Cami," I say, looking down at my hands instead of at her.

"Jens, look at me." She says.

I don't. I don't want to look at her after the nightmare, I feel too guilty even if it wasn't real.

"Jenna. Look. At. Me." She says with more authority in her voice.

I still don't and then I feel a warm hand on my chin and my face is lifted.

"Jenna. You scared me shitless. Can you explain to me what caused this? It's fine if you don't want to but it would really help me if it ever happens again." Camille asks, her tone laced with worry.

I took a breath. I swallowed. And then a flood of tears escaped me. She hugged me. I took some more breathing with her narrating what to do. I opened my mouth to start and she held my hand, rubbing little shapes into my palm.

"The nightmare... I killed Daniel I think. Well, I was covered in blood and I saw you over a body. And you were murmuring something about him and then I... then I called out your name and you turned around. And you... you... you turned around and your eyes... Cami your eyes weren't the beautiful grey they are now. They were red, with anger, and hatred. And I was so scared. You ran up to me and grabbed me by the throat and you yelled at me. And then... then... then you said that you hated me." I broke down once more after retelling the nightmare.

She just pulled me into her and I put my head in the crook of her neck and sobbed.

Camille's POV:

Her sobs racked the room and my eyes were as wide as saucers. I said that I hated her. Sure it wasn't the actual me telling her that I hate her but still.

I tightened my grip around her waist and I whispered in her ear, "The real me could never hate you, Princess. You mean the absolute world to me. That's it, Princess, let all the tears out."

The Run-In [Jenna Ortega x Fem OC]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora