Chapter Eleven: Mischief Managed

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Once we left the room, Sophie bolted down the hallway and yelled, "Come catch me, Millie!"

I rolled my eyes at her childishness but chase after her anyway.

She turns right and runs into the lift.

Oh, game on.

I quicken my pace and skipped the lift and went to the stairs. Shoving the door open with such force that it hits the wall, I start bounding down the stairs, doing two at a time.

Our room is situated on the fourth floor, the kitchens are on the first floor. How hard could it be to run 60 stairs?

As it turns out, quite challenging. Does that mean I stopped? Absolutely not. I do not do losing.

'Breathe in. And out. Breathe in. And out.' My mind dictated.

I finally reached the first floor and quickly shoved the door open and ran towards the kitchen. I then slowed down, noticing that my dearest sister was not there yet.

I walked into the kitchen, and went over to the cupboards in an attempt to find a kettle.

"Aha! That's where you are, you silly kettle." I said, talking to the kettle.

I start to put some cold water into it until I hear a loud crash.

I turn around and there I see Sophie.

I look at my imaginary watch on my arm and ask, "What time do you call this? I've already started to put water into the kettle."

She glared at me and said, "Not all of us trained with Olympic runner, you know."

"Hey! Coach asked me if I wanted to work with some Olympic runner for the rest of the year and I saw it as a great opportunity. Not my fault you never took interest in running." I shrugged my shoulders and turned back to putting water into the kettle. Once it was filled up I put it on it's stand and clicked the lever down and it started to boil the water.

"I do find running interesting," She counter argued, "Just not at a high level like you."

I hummed, "It was a good escape from all the stress. Coach thought I could do Olympic running so she started training me with them. If I could handle stress better then I could've made it to the Olympics."

"It wasn't just the stress, Millie. It was only a few weeks after you broke up with her, and that destroyed you for the rest of that year. And mum was, well, being mum. So no-one was surprised when you couldn't anymore." She said softly.

"Yeah, that was a bad year. Chai?" I asked, wanting to move on from that subject.

"Yes, please." She responded, nodding her head as she left to go to the pantry to look for something.

I took two bags of Chai tea out the box and put them in the cups I had gotten. I proceeded to pour the boiling water over the top and then jumped on the side waiting for the tea leave to infuse.

I started thinking about the days at St Jude's, how hard we all needed to work to the standard of mum and... dad. He was always the calmer out of the two of them. He didn't really care how you did as long as you tried your best, Daniel got that trait from him.

God. Daniel reminded me so much of him. They looked identical when they stood next to each other, the dusty blond hair, and the large nose and the dimples.

Dad gave me his normal smile and his dimples stood out, that was the last thing I saw before... he died.

Daniel has smaller dimples, less noticeable ones which only showed when he was smiling widely, than Dad did but Jenna... Jenna has those large dimples which showed whenever she laughed at one of my ridiculous jokes.

"Millie! I found some biscuits! Millie?" She asked, I snapped my head at her and gave her a sad smile.

"Oh, Mills," She gave me a soft smile, "You're thinking of Dad, aren't you?"

I nodded, not trusting my voice to speak.

"Oh Mills, he would be so, so proud of you. He would be like, 'Oh? Who's this dashing young lady, Cami? Is she your girlfriend?'" Soph said, imitating his deep, comforting voice.

"They share that nickname for me." I said, smiling softly.

"He would've loved her. They would've gone for some tea at his favourite tea shop and he would've been so charmed by her." Soph said, putting her hand on my arm comfortingly.

"He would've and all," I said, tears slowly leaving my eyes as I laughed.

She rubbed the tears from my eyes and took the tea bags out of the cups and threw them away. She then added the milk and the sugar and turned back to me, giving me the cup with the spoon still in.

I smiled at her, mum always hated that I left the spoon in and that's why I loved it so much.

We both took gentle sips of our tea and then she asked, "Why do you like Jenna so much?"

I looked at her rather shocked, "Do you not like Jenna?"

Her eyes widened as she realised her mistake, "Oh! No, no. I like Jenna, she's my favourite of your girlfriends."

"Oh, okay. Well, Jenna it absolutely gorgeous, you know. She has 12 freckles on each side and a few on her nose, and they're a really cute golden colour. And she has these really gorgeous eyes, like, they just emanate warmth and gentleness and she always listens to you and she never interrupts you. Her hands are just so soft, and it seems that I just always want to hold her hand. And she has this amazing personality and she's scared of a few things like riding my motorbike and it's just so cute because then I can, like, help her and comfort her and be there for her like she's there for me." I ramble on, I look at Soph and she holds this glint of amusement in her eyes.

"Oh, Millie," She says softly, "You are so head over heels in love with her."

"I know, Soph. I know." I said, not even trying to deny my feelings.

What I didn't know at that moment, was that we woke Jenna up and she followed us to the kitchen and she heard our conversation.

A/N Well hi guys, this is the second chapter I've released today. I've already got the next chapter planned out but, I absolutely love this chapter. This is such a fluffy, soft chapter, it's melting my heart. I hope you love this chapter like I do, if you do please vote- it'll show me how much you like the book, you don't have to if you don't want to tho! Please comment to say what you like about this chapter or how I could improve it. Reminder to drink your water and eat your food- it doesn't matter how much you eat, just try eat some. Much love,


P.S I might be seeing you guys later tonight if I finish this next chapter quickly enough.  

The Run-In [Jenna Ortega x Fem OC]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora