Chapter Eight: Falling Already?

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Trigger Warnings: panic attack

"Jenna. Freckles. Jens. Princess."

I woke up bleary-eyed. "Yeah?" I ask, rapidly blinking.

I finally realise my surrounding. I lift my head up from Cami's shoulder and give a small smile.

"Morning, Princess. Good nap?" She asks me softly, standing up and grabbing her bag.

"Yeah, I wasn't a pest was I? Sleeping on your shoulder and all," I asked, a surge of guilt now washing over me.

"Nah, you're all good, Freckles. Don't worry about it at all." She said, giving me her signature smile.

I hum and get out of the seat and stretch, I hear a few cracks and I sigh in contentment.

She takes my hand and leads me out of the train. A tingling sensation shoots up my hand, it's happened every single time that we've held hands- which has been quite a lot. When we step off we're met with a smaller station compared to Frankfurt.

I look at Camille who is looking around, squinting her eyes.

"Fucking hell, I knew I was blind but I never knew I was this blind." She states, trying to find them in her bag.

"Here," I said, looking through her bag to find a glasses case, "Aha! There you are!" I said taking out a black glasses case.

"Thanks, Princess." She said, opening the case and pulling out some bronze-coloured glasses which complimented her blonde hair beautifully. They also oddly looked like Harry Potter's glasses.

"I know what you're thinking, and no, they were not only chosen because I'm a huge Harry Potter fan but also because I hate square glasses," Camille said.

I laughed. She's so funny without even meaning it. She looked at me, eyes slightly wide but then she gave me a toothy grin.

She continued to look around and then she suddenly gripped Jenna's hand and dragged her off to someone.

"Hallo, ich und meine Freundin suchen die Bibliothek. Wissen Sie, wo das ist?" She said in German, her accent popping out as well and I wished I understood what she was saying. ("Hi, me and my girlfriend are looking for the library. Do you know where that is?"

"Sie gehen geradeaus und biegen dann links ab und Sie sehen die Buchhandlung. Es ist riesig, so dass Sie es nicht verpassen werden." The lady said, pointing her arm as she spoke. ("You go straight ahead and then turn left and you see the bookstore. It's huge so you won't miss it.")

Camille nodded and said, "Vielen Dank. Einen schönen Tag noch! Tschuss!" ( "Thank you very much. Have a good day! Bye!")

"You speaking German is still really fucking hot," I said, glancing at her.

She smirked, a really fucking hot smirk as well- someone just kill me now- and said, "Oh wirklich? Ich werde das berücksichtigen, Prinzessin." ("Oh really? I'll take that into account, princess.")

I groaned and she just laughed at me. She then took my hand and took me in the direction the woman said to. And once we rounded the corner my eyes grew wide. The shop was gorgeous, it had a nice spruce colour and had golden writing with a company name. It had nice floor-to-ceiling windows showcasing the inside of the bookshop.

"Stunning isn't it? I've been to a whole lot of bookshops before but this is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. But enough gawking let's actually get inside and buy some books, Princess." She whispered in my ear, causing shivers to go down my spine. I nodded and started walking towards the shop.

She quickly ran in front of me and pulled the door open dramatically. I smiled at her being silly and thanked her and walked in.

Home. It smelled like home. It smelt woodsy like mahogany wood with a hint of pine added in as well. It also smelt of fresh new books and ink.

As I stepped forward someone rammed into me causing me to fall over.

But then, a hand grabbed my waist and I was pulled into someone. Someone who smelled of berries and vanilla- Camille. And that's when I realised that she also smelt of home. Unbelievable, right? I've known this girl for less than two weeks and she already is reminding me of a homey smell- oh shit, shit.

I'm falling in love. Impossible! No way. No. I can't be. I can't be falling in love. No, no, no. NO! My mind was running a thousand miles per hour, my breathing ragged and becoming quicker and quicker. My hands were shaking like mad and air was becoming a foreign concept. I felt sick. It felt like my insides were twisting and turning in disgust and I couldn't do anything to stop that.

"Hey, hey! Jens, breathe. Breathe, Princess. It's okay, I'm here, everything is gonna be okay. HILFE!" Cami said, pulling me into a hug whilst trying to calm me down. ("Help!")

Suddenly, a man showed up and said, "Scheiße, komm mit mir ins Hinterzimmer," He pointed to the back and Camille picked me up in what felt like bridal style and walked off.("Shit, come with me to the backroom.")

And then my vision went black, darkness greeted me like an old friend once again and I didn't try to go against it.

A/N Wow, that was an intense chapter. I hope you enjoyed Camille being a large ass flirt. I hope yall like Jenna's POV it was really fun to write, I'll maybe write the next chapter in Camille's POV. Also, the entire glasses scene is what I say to people who ask me about my glasses, I was called a female Harry Potter for ages when I started wearing them and so whenever someone asked me about them I just gave that answer. Please do comment, it'll make me feel less lonely and I also wanna hear yall's opinions on the chapters. Vote if you want but it would be greatly appreciated. Remember to drink your water and to eat your food. Much love,


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