Jan 10

338 8 77

A/N: Pay attention to what Alex and Danielle say in their DMs, it could be relevant in the future :)

Also, the great deconstruction begins :)) what this means is up to you :)))


After everyone came back from winter break, work started piling up again. Alex was feeling the pressure on her shoulders as she studiously compiled notes and did her readings.

Arthur, of course, as a year older, was even busier, and he had his after school activities too. Alex waited outside his classroom door like a kid just so they could chat for a bit before they went their separate ways.

Arthur grinned at Alex and gave her an one armed hug. "See you tomorrow, Alex!"

Alex had to return his smile. "See ya." And so she watched Arthur walk away with his friends, both of them with their different duties and responsibilities.

... Was Alex just overthinking?


Ever since Eugene had gone out during New Year's Eve, he realized the Bailey twins and Bree were actively making an effort to befriend him. Which made sense because he'd hung out with them and all the mutual friends they shared.

Alex started asking him for help with academics, which was staggering to Eugene. Because this was Alex Bailey, local genius, the teacher's favourite, etc etc. But it was nice chatting with someone who was actually responsible for a change.

Conner stuck to Fred like two peas in a pod, and whenever Fred chatted with Eugene, Conner was around as well. Like Fred, Conner was an easygoing, friendly guy, and Eugene soon found himself laughing at Conner's antics.

As for Bree, Eugene and her got along scarily well. Bree almost seemed like a database with all of the random facts she knew and Eugene found her intriguing.

So Eugene found himself a couple more friends. That was a pretty good start to the new year. At least he was finally opening up more.

As Eugene went home on the bus, he realized his phone was vibrating with a ton of notifications. Curiosity (and dread) filled him up as he unlocked his phone and was met with a wall of messages.


idk (6)

January 10. 4:16pm.

Fred: been talking to some ppl and realised we've all been dming each other without a central chat group so

Fred: Here's a proper group for us yayy

Conner: ayyyyy

Bree: ayyyyyyyy

Alex is now online.

Alex: Hi everyone!

Eugene (me): hi

Fred: omg my favorite catboy is online

Eugene (me): Stop calling me a catboy

Danielle is now online.

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