One Step Forward Two Steps Back

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 I woke up in the middle of the night, panicking, it took me a second to realize what has happened and how I got here. It's really dark and cold. I hate it but there's nothing I can do about it; I love Otto and I need to stay by his side. It's freezing in here; I don't have a jacket let alone a change of clothes. I have barely eaten in the last few days.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

I roll over to check on Otto, he was sleeping peacefully. Maybe I can start brainstorming some ideas for the inhibitor chip. I carefully get up and walk over to a table he had set up. Wincing slightly at the sight of the stolen money bags off to the side. Once I pass by a wall, I am hit with a gust of cold air, sending shivers down my spine. Holy shit it's freezing in here. I see one of Otto's trench coats and pull it over myself, immediately melting into the warm, familiar scent that is one hundred precent him. It doesn't take me long to get started. Finding a note pad and pencil to begin sketches and equations. I needed to make something stronger and better for him, something that will be able to withstand the arms intelligence. It takes me a few tries before I find one that could possibly work. Taking the paper, I fold it and tuck it into the inside pocket of the oversized coat. We have no food, no clean water or clothes, how does he expect to live comfortably? I walk over to his side of the bed and pick up his watch that rested next to his glasses, 2:27. It's really early, honestly too early for me to even be awake but I need to go out and get supplies, maybe I'll even find someplace to take a shower. 

I tightened his coat around myself as well as grab a paper. Writing "Went out, be back soon." I slipped it next to his glasses as I took his watch and put it in my pocket, it being too big for my wrist. Walking back over to where the money bags sit, I mean, it's already stolen, there's nothing I can do about it. I ended up taking money, the only problem is that I don't think Otto was planning on sharing this money for things he needs for himself, only things he needs for the machine. I don't think he would be happy if he found out I spent a ton of money on clothes and food. So, I need to do some serious budgeting. I think he'll be fine if I spend some money, just not a lot. I ended up grabbing money, but just enough to get me what I need and nothing more.

I quickly found myself to be walking the still very busy streets of New York. Even for 3 a.m. it's still busy. I despised but admired this at the same time, the way people never sleep is odd but fascinating. I walked to a supermarket; most stores were closed being that it was now sometime around 3:30. I bought some clothes and food for the both of us, enough to last us for a little while. I also picked up the newspapers from today and a couple of days ago, just to get filled in on everything that has happened. Funny enough, I found the paper from yesterday, picking it up it read in bold at the top, 'NEW VILLAIN DOC OCK ROBS LOCAL BANK, SPIDERMAN THERE AS HIS ASSISTANT'. I put it under my arm to go check out. Walking up to the front desk and setting everything down I got a look from her before she picked up the paper from yesterday.

"Pretty weird huh?" She asked, eyes trained on the article. She has medium length red hair, she was tall and skinny, absolutely beautiful.


"The new villain, Doc Ock. I mean New York has had its fair share of them, nothing Spiderman hasn't been able to take care of, but I mean a man with eight limbs. I heard he went nuts after his invention backfired on him. Poor man. But wow, four metal arms attached to his back, it's like something you'd see in a movie, you know what I mean."

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