Trust in Relationships

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The above song is 'Zehnaseeb' from the movie 'Hasee Toh Phasee'

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It had been a few weeks since Priyanka's birthday.

Rekha and Aakash had gone back home with Payal because she couldn't afford to miss out on too many days of school.


Everything seemed to be going perfectly for the Singh Family.

Priyanka used to go shopping with Aakansha and Shivani because her sister's wedding was approaching.

She was extremely excited about her Ishika Di's wedding which was only a few months away.

Her husband was busy with a new project, so he just left his card at home for his wife to use.

As much as he wanted to accompany his wife, Abhimanyu knew that his recent project with Singhania Industries was important for him to be able to expand his business.


Abhimanyu respected Mr. Singhania for his humble nature and he was extremely excited when he got the opportunity to work with him.

Singhania Industries was facing some financial crisis, so they had come to Singh Industries for help.

Abhimanyu was personally looking over their issue of mishandling of funds for Mr. Singhania.


On the other hand, the news about Priyanka being Mrs. Abhimanyu Singh spread like wildfire in college.

Many people, students and professors alike, started talking to her with more respect because after all, who wouldn't want to come in the good graces of a powerful man like Abhimanyu Singh?

Unfortunately, there were also some who were jealous of Priyanka's new status so they all would bully her, especially when she was alone. They would pass comments to insult her.

Priyanka never told her husband about these incidents and even forced Shivani to not say anything about them in his presence.

As much as Priyanka didn't like to hide things from her husband, she also knew about Abhimanyu's temper and over protective nature especially for his loved ones.

Priyanka had seen him fire an employee for simply talking to her rudely and she had heard from Kabir about what her husband had done to the reporter who had tried to accuse her of being a gold digger.

Priyanka couldn't even imagine what her husband might do to her classmates.

The worst part was that Abhimanyu knew the Dean at her college personally, so he could easily do something horrible to her bullies and get away with it.

Many days passed like this, but till when could Priyanka hide everything from her husband?


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