Ch. 2: Brianna

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When I got home after Alex's harassment, I ran straight to my room. I can't fake being happy anymore. I do it for Daniel, but I can't do it anymore... I just can't...

This was normal, I'd always run into my closet and cry. It was a large walk-in closet, practically a mini room. It was my safe place.

There was a soft knock at my door. "Honey, you okay?"

As I burst into tears, I threw a pillow at my closed door. I couldn't deal with my mother now. "Leave me alone!"

I heard her sigh through the door. She was finally gone.

Knees weak, I collapsed onto my bed. The blade is always a choice... No. No, I won't do that. I've been clean for a while, I refuse. Tracing my obvious scars, I contemplated my decisions. Suicide, cutting, or talking to Daniel. I don't want to worry him. He'd freak out, and I don't want him to freak out...

Sighing, I grabbed the blade and ran my finger over the edge. I can't do this to Daniel... But what if he doesn't find out..? No. I just need to sleep, that's all.

Laying down, I rested my eyes.


My scars were showing today, but I didn't mind. I felt pretty in my short dress. No one called me out on my scars either, they congratulated me for being clean two months.

Thanks guys, for everything... Daniel didn't even ask about them, my scars. He just went with it, like he usually does. He knew I wouldn't cut without consulting him. Or, at least, that what he thinks...

Of course I had secrets he didn't know... Doesn't everyone? He doesn't know that I spent all afternoon crying.

"You okay Bree?" Daniel was worried.

"I'm fine..."

"I know what "fine" means, and I know that's not what you are. Please, tell me what's wrong." His deep brown eyes started to tear up.

I threw on my best smile, so he wouldn't freak out. "I'm okay! Really! Aha, I'm doing great!"

He gave me a weary look and turned back to his work. English class yet again.

I don't want to be here... I just want to go home and sleep, maybe never even wake up. That sounds nice...

"Hey, Bree, remember the myth from yesterday? That your soul mates get your cuts and bruises?" He changed the subject.

"Yeah. What about it?"

"What if that were real? I know it's weird but-"

"Ms. Brianna, do you wish to say something to the class?" The teacher caught us talking.

"N-No sir... I-"

"Please pay attention next time, okay?" He turned back to the board.

"Yes sir..."

I put my head on the desk to keep from crying. After a few minutes, I fell asleep.

At the end of the period, the teacher woke me up.

"I saw you sleeping and figured I should leave you there."

"I'm so sorry! I closed my eyes and-"

He held up his hand to shut me up, politely. "Look, I know things have been hard for everyone lately. I've noticed you looking upset lately, and if you ever need a break, tell me."

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