Ch. 5: Brianna

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I woke up and looked at the clock, it said 8:46. I had slept at Jared's house on accident.

Yawning, I tried to wake him up. "Jared."

He groaned and ignored me.

"Jared, wake up. It's 8:46." He flipped over and rubbed his eyes.

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, we passed out." 

We sat in silence.

"Is there school today?"

I checked my phone. "Yep. Daniel's been texting me wondering where I've been."

He sighed and sat up. His shirt was on the floor and he was only wearing basketball shorts.. And he didn't look too bad either.

"I'll go start up my car-" Jared got up and grabbed a hoodie. I got up and looked in the mirror. My hair was an absolute mess, my makeup was smeared under my green eyes, my tank top and pajamas were from yesterday.. 

I went into his dresser and borrowed a pair of sweats, he won't care. I tied the string on the inside so they wouldn't fall down during the day. Hopefully no one sees my pants on the floor and questions...

He poked his head in his room. "Ready?"

"Yeah, I guess." I grabbed my backpack and followed him outside.


"Brianna, where were you?" Daniel caught up with me after 2nd period. 

"Sorry, I slept in."

He sighed with relief. "You can't scare me like that! I was freaking out- Are you okay?"

I didn't say anything for a moment. "Sure."

"You said Jared was rubbing his leg-"

"We need to talk."

He stared at me blankly. "What?"

"We need to talk, now." I pulled him into the janitor's closet nearest my locker. The halls were too crowded for anyone to notice.

We both sad awkwardly in the old chairs.

"Bree, what happened?"

"I told Jared about the myth."

"..Okay? And?"

"It's true, it's all true, I know I sound crazy but it's true and-" Tears started falling down my cheeks. "-I know I sound completely insane but you have to trust me-"

"Brianna, calm down," He put his arm over me and tried to comfort me. "How do you know?"

"Jared.. He-" I couldn't breathe. "He..."

I took a shaky breath. "He has the same cuts I do." I pulled down the sweatpants to expose my thigh. 

His hand raised to his mouth. "Bree.."

He hugged me and wouldn't let go for a few minutes. "I'm so sorry.."

"Don't be sorry it's okay.. I'm just freaked out with Jared. It's the exact same.."


"I'm serious. I studied both and there was no difference. He didn't do it." Those were my cuts. I did that to him...

Neither of us spoke for a moment.

"Do think he's...?" Daniel looked scared.

"I don't know.."


"Jared?" He finally picked up.

"Bree? You okay?" His voice broke up over the line.

"Yeah.. I just need to talk to you."

He hung up.

In a matter of minutes, I could hear his car down the street. I grabbed a coat and left.

When I got in the car he hugged me. "Are you alright? I know you didn't hurt yourself again.."

I just put my hands in my lap. "Just drive."

He slammed on the gas and took me to his house. We went straight to his room.

"I can't do this anymore Jared. I'm going insane." 

"You're not going insane." I was sitting in his office chair while he sat on the bed next to me. He got down and put his arms around my waist. He then sat on the floor. "You're human."

"I'm going insane, I can't do this anymore. I want to die Jared- I want to-"

Jared's arms just wrapped around me tighter. I fell off the chair onto him and hugged him. My forehead fell to his shoulder and I cried.

"I love you Bree, and I always will. I will always be there for you," He held my head to him. "I won't let anything happen to you."

I couldn't stop crying. This was just all too much to take in.

"I won't let anyone hurt you Brianna..." He started crying, and I could feel his tears falling into my hair.

We just sat in that position for awhile, both of us sobbing. He doesn't know how much I've needed this, to just hug him again. He's been so busy and I don't know how to talk to him without making other people jealous, or hate me. I love him but I don't want to hurt him, but I need him here.. I need him with me. I can't do this...

I pushed him away, although I didn't want to. He has a girlfriend... I can't do this.. 

My thoughts were making my head hurt. 

"Are you okay..?" He knew I never pulled away from hugs first. 

"No, but you have a girlfriend. I can't do this-"

"She knows you're like my sister Bree. She won't worry.."

"I won't be the reason you two have problems Jared. I don't want to leave, but I have to... She's probably been trying to get a hold of you-"

"Brianna, listen to me. You won't be the reason we have issues. She knows I love you as my sister, she knows we're close. She won't care."

He pulled me back into a hug, his arms holding me tight. I wanted to cry again.

I held him as tight as my skinny arms would let me. "I love you.."

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