Ch. 3: Daniel

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It had been in my head since class ended, the myth. What if our soul mate really did get our scars? I'd be afraid to see who that was...

It was Wednesday, and class was about to start. I saw Alex with a big bruise on his face. He couldn't even open his eye fully, but the bruise was...

Right where he punched me.

"No, no, no, no, no..." I willed it to mean nothing. "Myths aren't real, myths aren't real..."

"Hey, Daniel, are you okay?" Brianna put her hand on my shoulder.

With my head shooting up, she jumped in her chair. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine..."

"What's got you on edge?"

I nervously looked at Alex.

"You mean his bruise? There's no way a kid at school did that to him- No one would be brave enough to-"


She stopped talking. "Sorry, yeah?"

"That's where he punched me. I used my mom's makeup so you couldn't see my bruise."

With that, Bree stopped moving. "Wait, what? You two have the same bruise, so what?"

I sighed. She was never too good at this sort of thing. "The myth Brianna, remember the myth?"

"Myth, myth, myth..." She was tapping her pencil on her desk. "Nope, don't remember."

"That your soul mate-" I started to explain.

"RIGHT! That myth!!" Her pencil fell to the floor when she realized what I was talking about. "Whoah, whoah, whoah, you two might be soul mates??"

People were started to fill up the classroom. "Hush, someone might hear you-"

"But he's straight!!"

"He might be bi-"

"I mean, I knew you were gay Daniel, but him??"

At this, I was beat red. No one but her knew that I was a homosexual freak. "Brianna!! Keep your voice down!"

She giggled. "What's your ship name?" Of course, being a Tumblr user myself, I knew what this meant. 'What's your couple name?'

"Shut up!"

"Hmmm, what about-" She had a sly grin.

"Don't you do it."

"Dalex! Huh, get it, Daniel and Alex makes Dalex?!" She gasped and squealed in joy... Otherwise known as a 'fangirl attack'. "Like Doctor Who! My fandom comes in handy, huh Daniel?"

"Dalex, daleks, haha very funny Bree." She smiled when I realized her connection.

"It's cute. I think I ship it." She was grinning ear to ear.

"Oh shut up." I was still blushing like crazy, and there was no way to stop it.

Only after she was done tormenting me, the bell rang.


"Dalex, Dalex..." She whispered into my ear as we walked down the hallway.

"Dang it Bree!! Stop that before someone hears! I mean, I'm glad you're in a good mood but-"

"Oh c'mon, you party pooper! You know gay ships are cutest. GumLee, Destiel, Phan, Larry..."

Only after naming my top OTP's, was it that I gave in. "Yeah, yeah, okay. Using my own OTP's against me, I see how it is."

She was giggling profoundly, hyperventilating at this point. It was normal, I just had to get her inhaler for her.

"Combo?" I asked as we got to her locker.

"No need, there's a pencil in the lock."

"Right, sorry." I had forgotten that she kept a pencil in her lock instead of using a combo. Pulling up on the handle, the door swung open to reveal a disastrous locker.

"What? It's not that bad!"

"Pfft, whatever." I grabbed her inhaler and made her breathe calmly before using it. After taking the prescribed dosage, she started to calm down.

"Thanks Daniel."

"What else could I do? Leave you to suffocate?" We both laughed as we approached our fifth period class. She knew I'd always be there, even if we fight like yesterday.

The only reason we fought is because I'm tired of feeling like a freak... But she understands that pain too, therefore I won't ever leave. I need her more than she thinks I do.

"Hey Daniel, you doing okay? You've been pretty spacy lately.." Her eyes were focusing on my face, trying to pinpoint anything wrong.

"I'm just hung up on the myth, that's all."

"Look, I was kidding about Dalex-"

"It's okay. Someone probably got tired of his bullshit."

We walked silently to her next class. She waved me a goodbye then I left for my fifth period.

I mean, Alex and I can't be soul mates. It's just a myth that's all-

"Duude, how'd you get that bruise?" I heard one of Alex's friends behind me, their next class is near mine.

"I dunno, I just woke up with it. It's nothing-" He tried to shrug it off.

"That's insane."

They continued laughing and joking behind me, so I sped up not wanting them to know it was me.

I slid into my classroom and sat down. Brianna wasn't here for me now, hopefully I can just make it through to the end of the day.

Her text about the myth worries me. I can't stop worrying. If he was rubbing his thigh that must mean she did something and won't tell me about it. She isn't okay.. She's never going to be perfectly okay.

And if the myth is true, Brianna and Jared are something, what does that make Alex and I?

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