Ch. 10: Daniel

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"Daniel, are you okay?"

I didn't answer.

"Danny?" Jasmine climbed onto the couch with me. "You're scaring me."

"I'm sorry Jassy, I'm alright.."

She just sat on my lap and watched her show, making sure I wasn't alone. I won't ever be okay... I just kept my best friend from killing herself and I nearly didn't succeed... I am not okay.


I was leaning against the door, making sure everything was okay.

"I love you..."

Those three words had always scared me, there was always a hint of goodbye. I peaked in, just to make sure she wasn't crying, but all I see is a gun to her head.

"Brianna!" I opened the door all the way and ran over to her. In three strides I tackled her and turned the gun just enough so it wouldn't kill her. She nearly did it. Right in front of me.

We were both crying and I couldn't hold myself up. My arms gave out and I fell to the floor next to her. She just laid, curled up into a ball. My mother had heard the gun and was calling 911 when she came to check on us. When the police and the ambulance got to my house, there was mascara going down Brianna's cheeks and some of it had managed to find its way onto my shirt. They checked her head and her heart rate. After that they took a blood sample and ran a few quick tests. Since there wasn't too much damage on her head, they hadn't taken her to the hospital right away.

She wouldn't stop saying his name. They wanted to take her down to the nearest clinic at least but she wouldn't let them. Not until she saw him.

They agreed since she was in shock and she wasn't bleeding out, they just wrapped up her head and waited.

It felt like hours before he got there, when it really was only a few minutes. When his car turned the corner, he jumped out and ran. He loves her too.


"Daniel?" Jasmine had made cereal and was looking for a DVD to watch. She always preferred the discs over Netflix. "Should we watch Brother Bear or Madagascar?"

We always watched Madagascar as she was growing up. "Let's watch Brother Bear this time Jassy." A movie from my childhood too.

She smiled and crawled over to the DVD player to set it up. When she was done she took her cereal and sat by my feet.

I should be with her right now, but I can't leave Jasmine.

The movie started and she stopped chewing, she got really into any movie she was watching.

I doubt she would notice if I left for a few minutes... No. I'm all she has right now and I won't leave her. 

Just focus on Jassy. She's what matters right now.

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