Ch. 8: Daniel

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None of this was making sense. Our entire world was collapsing under us, everything was spinning, no one could understand.

I heard a small noise and saw a notification. It was an email from Mr. Wilson about the topic. It wasn't very long though.

I know you're confused about all of this, but don't worry. Everything will make sense soon enough.
Mr. Wilson

I don't understand any of this.

Mr. Wilson
Thank you for the reassurance, but I don't believe things will be okay. I'm worried about all of this and I don't know what to do. I'm scared.

It was a typical Saturday morning, except for the email. I had just woken up and now I had nothing to do. Brianna and Jared must be scared out of their minds, and now she can't do anything without someone knowing.

The stress knowing that someone would know no matter what she did would be horrible. Every bruise or mark on her goes onto Jared, which would kill her inside. She never wants to hurt anyone but herself.

There was a soft knock at my door. "Daniel?"

"Hey Jassy," My little sister Jasmine had just woken up. She was in first grade with long brown hair and a Disney nightgown.

"Where's mommy?" She came in and sat next to me on my bed.

"She had to work today, remember? And Dad is probably out with his friends."

She yawned and leaned up against  me. Our parents weren't usually home so I was her guardian. I would do anything to protect her.

Her green eyes matched mine, and her hair was a lighter shade of brown. Her light freckles covered her nose and cheeks. We also shared the same fair skin.

"When do you think they'll be home?"

"I don't know Jassy... I really don't know."

She stood up and walked to the door. "Can you make me some waffles?"

"Extra whip cream since no one is home?"

Jasmine's eyes sparkled and she smiled wide. "Yes please!!" Then she raced downstairs. I stumbled away from my desk and chased after her. By the time I made it downstairs she was already trying to find the cartoons on the TV.

I grabbed the waffle maker and started stirring some batter.

"Danny! I have a serious question."  Her smile went flat.

"Yes m'lady?" I bowed down to her.

She giggled. "Can we have some chocolate chips too?"

"I don't know Jasmine..."

"Please? I'll do anything!" She gave me the puppy eyes and pleaded.

"Fine. Under one condition. I get a hug every day for the rest of my life."

She ran and wrapped her little arms around my waist. "Deal!"

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