Chapter 7 - Oh

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Jenna woke up feeling like shit. She's upset about Jamie. She loves Jamie, but Jenna knew she would only be hurting her if she continued lying.

Speaking of the the woman who caused this whole thing, Jenna remembered she had an appointment today. She groaned seeing she only has 10 minutes until her appointment, meaning she had no time to get ready.

She threw her hair up in a messy bun, brushed her teeth quick, and left in a hoodie and sweats.

She arrived 10 minutes late to the dentist. She quickly looked at herself in the visor before groaning because her eyes were puffy.

She walked into the dentist and didn't bother to look around this time as she went straight to the clipboard.

"You don't need to sign in" Jenna heard.

She looked up to see Ashley smiling at her.

"Thanks, sorry I woke up late" Jenna apologized for her tardiness.

"That's alright, it was your birthday yesterday" Ashley dismissed.

Jenna just slightly smiled.

"How was it?" Ashley asked.

"Could've gone better" Jenna shrugged.

"Oh, no. What happened?" Ashley asked concerned.

Before Jenna could respond, the phone started ringing causing Ashley to throw up one finger before answering.

"Good Morning, Valley View dentist, can I put you on hold?" Ashley said, before she mumbled a thank you, and set the phone back down.

"Just a break up" Jenna said quietly, after Ashley looked back to Jenna.

"Oh, I didn't know you were in a relationship" Ashley said.

"Not anymore" Jenna forced a chuckle out.

Ashley just gave a slight smile, before Jenna left to sit down.

She wasn't in the mood this morning. But, she went on doing her usual routine at the dentist.

Jenna was glad that her treatment was short today, as they just needed to fix a crown for her.

As she headed to the front, she didn't see Ashley.

"Hey!" Tanner exclaimed, approaching the counter.

"Hi" Jenna said politely.

"I'll schedule you to come back in a month. Is that good?" Tanner asked while typing.

"Sure" Jenna shortly said.

"Alright then... you're all set. Have a nice day, Jenna" Tanner said with a smile.

Jenna just mumbled a "you too" before walking out.

It was lunch time and she debated where to eat.

As she was looking around the plaza, someone walked out the dentist office.

"Hey!" Jenna turned around to see Ashley.

"Oh, hey" Jenna said.

"That was quick today" Ashley said, referring to her appointment.

"Yeah, that's alright. I'm so hungry anyways" Jenna dismissed.

"I'm about to go on lunch actually, do you want to join?" Ashley asked.

Jenna thought about it, before she nodded her head.

"We can go to the Panera down there?" Ashley suggested, pointing a few stores down.

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