Chapter 11 - Shady Girl

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Jenna woke up the next morning to her phone ringing.

"Hello?" Jenna rasped out.

"Hey bae" Mikayla's voice said.

"What's up?" Jenna asked.

"So, I realized I need a new outfit for tomorrow's date" Mikayla said in seriousness.

"You have a ton of outfits, Mikayla" Jenna groaned, grumpy that she was awoken.

"Okay, but Layla said we're supposed to be going to this fancy fancy restaurant for dinner, and you know I love to dress to impress" Mikayla whined.

"You do know Layla's just gonna end up taking it off by the end of the night" Jenna said, laughing at her own joke.

"Ooh, that reminds me to buy some sexy lingerie too! Thanks!" Miki said excitedly.

Jenna rolled her eyes.

"Fine, but you owe me lunch" Jenna said, sitting up.

"Yay! I'm heading over now!" Mikayla said, saying goodbye.

Jenna stretched and saw some messages from last night.

Ashley: Just wanted to say goodnight!

She didn't reply as she opened Instagram,

Brooklyn: Can't wait to see the girl that's been in my dreams lately (:

Jenna rolled her eyes at how cheesy that was, but a smile still formed on her face. She texted Brooklyn back.

Jenna: So, was I the only girl that didn't respond to that?

It was immediately seen, causing Jenna's heart to race.

Brooklyn: Ouch, what makes you think you weren't the only one?
Jenna: You just seem like the type that can attract without trying (:
Brooklyn: Does that mean you have high expectations for me then? Cause I'll satisfy them (;
Jenna: 🙄 please, I'd have you begging
Brooklyn: Alright shorty, suuuure
Jenna: You in denial?
Brooklyn: Nah, you just seem like the type to be all bark no bite
Jenna: If you want bite, just ask (;
Brooklyn: Well played. We'll see how much bite you got tomorrow night
Jenna: Save the imagination for your dreams until then, xoxo

"JENNA" Mikayla shouted, opening the bedroom door quickly, causing Jenna to get startled.

"Bitch, I thought you were getting ready? Didn't you hear me calling you downstairs?" Miki asked confused.

"Sorry, I got side track" Jenna chuckled, looking back down at her phone.

"Oooooh, who you texting" Miki smirked, trying to peek at Jenna's phone.

"Just Brooklyn" Jenna said rolling her eyes, a faint smile appearing as she turned towards her bathroom.

"AHHH" Mikayla squealed, clapping her hands


The two girls started shopping a little while later, after they finished eating at the food court first.

"Okay, how about this one?" Mikayla asked holding up a slim white long dress with two slits going up the legs.

"Cuuute" Jenna exclaimed.

"I'm gonna go try it on, be right back" Miki said smiling before she left.

As Jenna continued looking through the racks, someone tapped on her shoulder.

"Hey, you" Ashley said smiling.

"Hey, what's up" Jenna greeted.

"Just shopping, you here by yourself?" Ashley asked curiously.

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