Chapter 2: Meeting the Gang

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"You are not in Kansas anymore." 

The commander spoke as he walked through the cafeteria, all the new arrivals were gathered as he was giving his speech. "You are on Pandora. Ladies and gentlemen. Respect that fact."

He looks at all the new faces as he has his scars, not afraid to show them, "Every second of every day." looking from one table to another. "If there is a Hell, you might wanna go there for some little R&R, after a tour on Pandora."

He stood at the window and pointed out in the toxic air-filled horizon that was filled with trees, "Out there beyond that fence, every living thing that crawls flies or squats in the mud want to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubes." he spoke, looking at everyone before him.

Jake rolls into the cafeteria, and Kira strides in behind him, as they are the last to arrive at the welcoming speech. "We have an indigenous population of humanoids called the Na'vi. They're fond of arrows dipped in a neurotoxin that will stop your heart in one minute. And they have bones reinforced with naturally occurring carbon fiber. They are very hard to kill."

Jake and Kira stop at the back of the class, listening to the man's lector, who stops for a moment. His eyes locked with Kira for a quick minute.

My mother told me stories of the Navi native lifeforms of Pandora. 

From the letters her sister always sent to her, they both shared an expressed love for them. 

Their connection to their ancestry was... inspiring.

Even taught me how to speak their language, fluently when she would read me to sleep from the book her sister wrote and sent to her years back.

Lost that book to a burglary, killed the guy, and never found that book in the end.

"As head of security, it is my job to keep you alive." he looks back at the others, keeping his face dead serious. "I will not succeed. Not with all of you."

Jake leaned against his pack as he was held on his lap "If you wish to survive, you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude. You got to obey the rules." the head of security walked back towards the front where his soldiers stood. "Pandora rules." he turns and looks back at the others.

The fact does not change, soldier, doctor, scientist, or worker. They're all here for one thing and one thing only.


The only thing that can motivate a person.

Once upon a time, loyalty and bonds that people once held as the greatest treasures now they're only echoes of days long gone.

The people here are no different from the ones back on Earth, neither is this asshole. Who I can see is the greediest son of a bitch of them all.

He targets the weak, letting them know their place in the food chain.

Survival of the fittest as it were.

As it always has been.

Sadly for him, I'm neither at the top nor bottom, I linger in the middle and the scary part of the middle. You never see me coming.


Jack and Kira make their way down the hall, Kira flicks her eyes at the passing people, some would mind their business and others would not even bother looking at her.

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