Chapter 10: I am Omaticaya I am Na'vi

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Returning to Home Tree did not go unnoticed for Eytukan and Mo'at were waiting for them.

They were going to give Tsu'tey a hard lecture, but he and the two were taken by surprise when Kira admitted to leaving and telling them the truth.

She left Home Tree and Tsu'tey just followed to make sure she was safe.

Upon asking what drove her to leave, Kira told them everything. How it wasn't Eywa calling her, but her mother. Hearing her voice again caused the wall she built around to crumble and allowed her heart to feel something once more.

Mo'at had looked into her eyes and saw she was speaking the throat, the once small light that was flickering to survive was now shining like the sun, bright and alive.

She tells Kira that Ewya has given back what was taken from her and she is now forever changed.

Mo'at said that Ewya must have taken the souls of my parents that I've carried with me since I lost them and that I buried them down inside my soul.

Kira sat in front of the camera, tears welling up in her eyes, she sniffled and wiped them away. "Upon realizing I was becoming more like them, they moved up my becoming ritual. So by this time tomorrow, I will become one of the Omaticaya. To be honest, I'm kinda of nervous. I don't know how well a dreamwalker can take to the ritual, good chance I die and I really don't wanna die." she states.

Then blinked at her own words, "I... I don't wanna die. Never thought those words would ever ever leave my mouth." she said with a chuckle. Then exhales. "Jesus. I didn't think having emotions would be this hard," she states and rubs the tears from her eyes. "Still getting used to this." she sniffles and stands from her pod.

Then she walked up to the camera and stood before it, "Well, I should get some shut-eye, have a big day tomorrow night." she spoke and ended the log.


The next morning Kira spent her day at Home Tree, working with Mo'at as she crushes herbs that were gathered.

Mo't looks at Kira, seeing she is nervous, almost tearing into the herbs, she sighs and bonks Kira on the head with the grinder, snapping her from her thoughts.

"You must relax yourself, Kida. You will do well in the ritual tonight." Mo'at assures her. Kira flicks her eyes away, hesitating Mo'at just smiles at him and cups her cheek, Kira flicks her eyes back at her. "You are strong, Kida. The spirit of a warrior courses through you. You should not fear." she assures her.

Kira inhales deeply and nods at her. Mo'at smiles, nodding her head turns back to her herbs. Kira flicks her eyes down at the bowl of herbs in her hands. "What exactly happens during the ritual?" she asks her.

Mo'at held out her hand and Kira handed her the herbs, "Ewya will give you a vision, either or not you survive and who you were before will perish and when you rise from the underbark, you will become an Omaticaya." she informed her.

Kira nods her head as she looks, a hand pats her shoulder and she looks over at Norm as he is smiling at her, "You excited for tonight?" he asks.

She turns to him and shrugs, "Nervous, but can't dwell on it." she answers, he nods at her, "Oh man, an actual ritual of being a full adult. This is something I'd never expected to see." he states.

From afar, Tsu'tey was glaring at the side of Norm's head, gripping his dagger tightly in his hand, seeing how close Norm was to her, he didn't like it.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she questions, flicking her ears back in irritation and wagging her tail. Norm flicks his ears forward, realizing his mistake. "No, no, no. What I meant was, you're becoming a member of the clan and what I've studied is when a Na'vi becomes a full adult, they undergo a ritual to become a full member of the clan." he quickly explains.

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