Chapter 12: Hometree is Falling Down

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Trudy hurried through the halls, to the avatar division that was getting packed up and shut down, "I need this. What are you doing?" Max questions as he pulls out his files.

Grace cracks open a cold one, places it on the table, and looks at Jake that was leaning against the table, shaking his head in disappointment. "You know, they never even wanted to succeed. " Grace spoke up.

Kira stops in her packing and looks over her shoulder, listening to their conversation. "To bulldoze a sacred site on purpose. To trigger a response," she spoke and just shook her head. "They're fabricating this war, to get what they want," she spoke and placed her books away.

"I can't believe that." Norm snaps as he gathers his books, Jake just lets out a humorless laugh. "That's how they do it. This is how it's done," he states as Grace pours the glass and frowns at him.

Jake pushes away the notebooks and shows her the book she wrote. "People are sitting on shit you want, you make them your enemy. And then you justify in taking it," he informs them as he tosses the book.

Kira turns her head as the realization hits her, then Trudy runs into the lamp and looks at the Avatar team. "Quaritch is rolling in the gunships, he's gonna hit Hometree," she warns them.

They looked at her in shock, "When?" Jake asks her, she pants as they look at her, "Now. They're spooling up now. I gotta go." she answers and runs off.

Jake shot his eyes at Grace, who looked shocked. "My God," she mutters and they hurried after her, towards the head office, but Kira ran towards the pod room.


Parker looks out as the scorpions that were powering on to take out Hometree. "Dr. Augustine! You cannot be up here!" a soldier shouts at her, "Back off!" she shouts, shoving him back as she walks up to the man in charge. "Parker. Wait. Stop. These are people you're about to.." she tries to reason.

Standing in front of him as the soldier tries to take hold of her, "I said back off!" she snaps as Parker holds up his finger. "No. No, no, no, no. They're fly-bitten savages that live in a tree! All right? Look around. I don't know about you, but I see a lot of trees! They can move!" Parker shouts as Jake rolls up next to her, looking out at the platform.

"Can you guys just please..." he orders the two soldiers. They both nodded and walked off, "There are families in there. There are children. Babies. Are you going to kill children?" she questioned him.

Jake looks up at him, "You don't want that kind of blood on your hands. Believe me." he spoke as Parker flicked his eyes down at him "Just let me try to talk them out. They trust me." Jake offers him. Parker just looks down at him.


Kira shot open with a wake, looking around, and found herself back in Hometree, she shot to her feet and ran, finding the spiral, and hurried down it. "Father! Mother!" she shouts, leaping down and startled everyone.

"They're... they're coming! The sky people!" she shouts, but notices the look in her eyes. She steps back and looks at everyone that was staring at her, almost like... they were afraid.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she questions, Mo'at makes her way towards her and cups Kira's face, looking her over and deep into her eyes.

"Are you still Kira?" Mo'at asks her. Kira just blinks at her, "What are you talking about?" she asks her, and Mo'at pulls back. "Your hands, Kira..." Eytukan spoke up.

Kira blinked and flicked her eyes down at her hands and widened in shock, her palms were stained with blood. "Wha... how?" she mutters and feels the rest of her face, there were splatters spots of blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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