Chapter 7: My Connection

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The others were in the bunkroom as Kira sat in the link room, she powered on the camera and looked into it. "Here we go." she stays pulling herself back onto the open link pod, straightening herself out. "First time I've wanted to do something related to science, so bear with me," she states.

Exhaling and sat straight, "Okay, today is video log 16, Time 2132, location a mobile link in the Hallijuah Mountains, a sight to behold, night is approaching as days here are shorter than the ones back on earth." she exhaled.

"Kira!" Jake calls out, she turns away from the camera and looks at the door, "What?" she calls. "Are you going to do a video log in the other room, alone?" he asks.

"Yes!" she answers, "Why not do it with me? We're stuck in a small space, why be a stranger?" Jake calls back. "Because you have a very punchable face and I will not suppress the urge to hit you," she calls out.

"Fair enough!" he calls back, Kira scoffs as she looks away from the door, rolling her eyes and looking back at the camera. "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. The cycle of night and day are different than Earth, so keeping track of days... proven difficult."


Tsu'tey and Kira sat on a root of Home Tree as the warrior was teaching her the language.

Jake has difficulties with the language and keeps getting himself hit in the head a few times.

Kira twirls her braid with her finger as Tus'tey speaks simple and easy words for her to understand, but frowns as if she is showing no interest, or paying attention.

Tus'tey explains in a harsh and quick tone, in the hopes of throwing me off. But I like that I can keep him on his toes.

"If you wish to speak our language, you must pay attention." he snaps at her, she stops and flicks her eyes forward. "How can I wish to learn if you don't want to teach?" she questions him.

Tsu'tey flicks his ears forward at her as she grins and turns her head to him, "You can speak our language?" he asks, Kira looks away, grinning to herself. "How do you think I know it so well?" she shouted back at him.

He frowns at her, sitting up, "You should have said something!" he snaps, she turns back and looks at him, "You never asked." she shoots back a grin on her face.

Tsu'tey flicks his ears back at her as she jumps to her feet, still squatted in front of him "And besides, where is the fun in telling you?" she states, bopping his nose.

He reels back, smacking her hand away. Kira jerked back then stood to her height and she walked towards the edge and stepped down, falling as she landed on her feet and walked off, leaving a fuming Tus'tey behind.

Do I like messing with Tus'tey? Yes. Yes, I do. Do I enjoy it? Absolutely.

Kira pulls back the bowstring as she pratices aiming. Tsu'tey smacks her arm, making her lower bow, flicking her ears back at him. "You're doing it wrong. Turn your hand and inhale with your stomach. Deep inhale." he tells her, inhaling deep as he presses his hands to his stomach as he inhales deeply.

She rolls her eyes, turning her hand as she aims again and inhales deep into her stomach. Tus'tey corrects her arms and stance.

But being the newbie that I am, he finds ways to keep me on my toes. And like him, I find it very annoying.

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