Chapter 5: Meeting the Natives

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Jake carved a makeshift spear from a stick he found. Jake shot to look over his shoulder as he was in a completely new environment, turning his head at each sound and cricket.

He steps through the forest, his spear at the ready, and turns at each sound. Seeing that it was quiet, he turns back and steps through the bush, passing under the arched root.

But unaware of him, one of the Na'vi, an Omaticaya listens to Jake's footsteps, slowly passing under her. She lifts her head, watching him. Then props herself on her feet, arming her bow.

Jake turns through the bush, keeping his eyes open for any of the local wildlife.

The Omaticaya drew back her bowstring, ready to take fire, but she flicked her eyes to the side, causing her ears to flick forward. A seed of the soul tree just hovers towards her, landing gently on the arrowhead.

She gasped softly as the soul seed floated away, as it was gone, she withdrew her arrow, watching it leave. Then looks back as Jake is still moving and she quickly moves as well.


The river by the woods was calm and quiet as the deerlike wildlife was drinking from the cooling waters, to catch their breaths.

But a Na'vi hybrid burst from the waters, startling the deers and they quickly scatter as Kira took in a breath, trying to pull air back into her lungs.

She coughs as it takes moments for her lungs to catch up. Her avatar body was truly what she expected it to be. Weak. Unable to maintain the stamina she needed.

But her reflexes were on point, so, she could forgive it. Pulling herself into the bank of the river and rolling into her back, taking in deep breaths.

She flutters her eyes open, seeing she is back in the forest, taking a few more coughs, she forces herself to roll onto her side and pushes herself up. Slowly and stumbles to her feet.

She takes a few steps forward presses against a tree and wipes the water from her face. She takes in her environment, seeing that she is far from the others.

Lost in a completely new environment she has no bearings. She needed to recuperate and find a haven for her body, then pulls away from the tree, "When I find Jake, I'm killing him." she mutters and slips through the brush.


The scorpion circles the woods as Grace looks through her binoculars and she tries to find any trace of Jake and Kira.

"I'm gonna have to call it, guys. We're not allowed to run night ops. Colonel's orders." Trudy informs them as she too is looking from the safety of her cockpit.

Grace pulls her binoculars away as she frowns sadly to herself. "I'm sorry, Doc, they're just gonna have to hang on till morning," Trudy informs her.

But Grace pulls her hand to her comm, "They won't make it till morning." she informs him, Norm just looks at her, almost scared to ask her what she meant. As the scorpion pulls away and heads back towards base.


Night had finally come and the creatures were ready to play, Jake removed his coat, wrapped it around the end of his spear, and dipped it into the wax of the tree.

Once it was coated, he kneeled, pulled the matches from his mouth, and rushed to spark a light. But broke from matches along the way as he kept flicking his head over his shoulder as the creatures in the night.

They were close by. They were getting closer to him, slowly stalking him. But he finally lights that spark and torches the coated wax coat on fire.

Twist back as he flung the fire at them. Revealing the eyes of the entire pack. Jake took a few steps back, the pack of viper wolves stalked closer to him but stayed clear of the fire.

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