Chapter 8: I Take Flight

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Kira leans against her hand, sighing to herself as she looks at the recording camera. "So... in a stupid move, I may have told Jake about what happened, who later told Norman, who then told my aunt and she's been hovering ever since," she spoke.

Then drops her head and groans in annoyance, "Grace loves this kinda stuff!" Jake calls out, Kira raises her head and frowns at the hall.

"The sooner you tell me, the easier it will be!" Grace calls out, Kira pulls her arms back, folding them at her chest, pressing her fingers at her temple, and flicking her eyes at the camera. "See what I mean?"


Ever since I got my bow, everyone has been looking at me... Like if I was the strangest thing they have ever seen.

Kira walks behind Tsu'tey, flicking her eyes to the corner of her sight, seeing the people whispering among themselves as they were shooting looks at her.

I mean, I did remove an ancient bow from one of their ancestors that was a renowned Waith of Ewya.

And she sacrifices her life for her people to stop the Sky people.

I won't it either if someone did that to one of my people either. But their looks weren't that of anger or resentment.

But that's not the strangest thing, at all. No sir.

She flicks her eyes forward, her ears back, and frowns. Tsu'tey looks over his shoulder at her, seeing she is uncomfortable with all the attention.

So he narrows his eyes in warning, and the people immediately stop, Kira notices everyone has stopped looking at her. And flicks her eyes up at Tsu'tey as he quickly looks away.

Tsu'tey's been acting... weird.

Kira steps up to the dire horse, petting his neck, making him neigh with joy as he looks at her.

She smiled at him and went to mount up, but Tus'tey helped her up onto the dire horse. She flicks her eyes down at the hunter as he doesn't make eye contact with her and steps over to his direhorse.

She arches her brow at him as he turns away and leads his direhorse off, the other hunters follow in his lead and Kira frowns to herself.

He's not insulting me. No throwing. 'Demon this' or 'Sky person that' it's like... I'm something too sacred to even be looked at.

Honestly, it's getting annoying.

She sighed but hurried after the others, Mo'at stepped out and watched as Kira followed after the others.

Grace steps up to her, placing her hand on her shoulder. Mo'at just looks at the dreamwalker, patting her shoulder as they both look at where the hunters rode off.

But I am grateful to Mo'at, though. She listened to what happened and I guess, I once expected she would judge me or look down at me as I have been my entire life.

The poor pitiful orphan with no parents.

The merciless killer with no heart.

But she just looked at me and saw a lost soul that just... desired what others couldn't give. But what I must gain on my own.


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