Chapter 11: Falling Down

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Jake flutters his eyes open, finding himself back in his pod, turning his head, wondering if it was even real.

Everything is backward now. Like out there is the true world and in here is the dream.

Jake pulls himself out of his pod and into his chair, but he stares down at his legs, seeing how thin they become. Wondering if the offer was even still worth it.

But he wheels himself out of the pod room and down the hall, so lost in his thoughts as it was left his body on autopilot.

It's hard to believe it's only been three months.

Jake sat in front of the camera leaning against his hands as the guilt was clear in his eyes. "I can barely remember my old life." he murmurs as he rubs his brow "I don't know who I am anymore." he wipes the tears away.

He sniffles and turns his eyes away, "And Kira... she isn't the same person I came down here with. She's changed. Different. Full of life. And I feel like a real shit bag." he spoke, the disappointment clear in his voice.

Later on, Jake sat in front of the mirror, wiping the shaving cream over his face as Grace was getting ready in the back.


They both returned to base as Parker was playing golf just outside on the grounds. "Good of you to stop by. Who's it going out there?" he spoke as he noticed them.

He lines up the shot, "Our blue friends all packed up yet?" he asks and takes the shot. "You, see... I-I keep poking it," he states as the soldier place one another ball. "It's the damn puck. The low gravity and the high air density cancel out, which doesn't affect the distance. But it just puts on that spin..." Parker rambles.

"You called us back report," Jake spoke up, Parker turned and saw Jake was here on business. "How do you wanna hear or not?" he questions.

Grace flicks her eyes down at the marine and back to Parker, who hesitates for a moment and lowers the puck. "Go ahead." he offers as they have his full attention.

Jake flicks his eyes up at Grace and she steps forward. "Jake and Kira have made incredible progress," she informs him. Parker nods at her. "Good," he spoke.

"Years worth in just a few months, but we need more time," she informs, Parker flicks his eyes up at the incoming rain. "That is not good," he answers, handing off his puck and taking the umbrella.

Grace steps up to him, "Parker, it's their ancestral home. I mean, they have lived there before human history even began. You can spare them a few more weeks." she snaps at him.

"Look, this thing is inevitable. What does it matter when it happens? I'm sorry doctor Augustine. We're out of time." he informs her and steps away, "Excuse me." he spoke, but she wasn't done. "It matters how it happens. It matters to me and it should matter to you," she argues and begins to walk off.

Jake just sat in the rain, his mind was racing. He didn't want things to happen but were going to happen, whether they liked it or not.


Sitting in the cafeteria, Jake taps at the table as Quaritch walks into the area "Haven't gotten lost in the woods, have you?" he calls out, Jake turns his head, looks at him, and shakes his head.

Quaritch pulls a chair off a table, "Your last report was more than three weeks ago. I'm starting to doubt your resolve!" he states and sets the chair down next to Jake who turns his chair.

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