Unexpected Reaction

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   My eyes open an close a couple times an then I lose consciousness again. I don't know how many days had passed and I didn't know what had happened to me. But eventually I wake up in the middle of the woods by the school.

   My clothes were torn and I had scratches all over me blood running down my arms. I raised my hand to my face and could feel a deep scratch on my forehead.

   I try to sit up and my body starts to ache so I lay back down. I open my eyes and above me I see tree branches and the sky. I close my eyes again my body felt cold an achy. I slowly sit up an use my arm to prop me up. I needed to get back to the school I needed to warn them.

   I try to stand up I lean against the tree for a while. I cheek my pockets for my phone it was gone. Of course she took it. I think to myself. I need to get out of here Incase she tries to come back for me. Or maybe she let me go? But why would she do that? After all she is obsessed with me.

   I limp back to the school slowly but as fast as I could with how bad I hurt an how back I was scratched up. Blood was still dripping down my arm when I got to the doors of nevermore.

   "Weems WEEMS" I yell but before anyone could get to me I fall to my knee and passed out once again.

   Sometime later I woke up in the nurses station. I slowly open my eyes an see people around me. I close my eyes an squeeze them shut. I open my eyes again and Wensday, Xavier, Enid and ajax where surrounding my bed.

   "Your awake. We have all been worried sick about you." Wenesday said I could see the tears wealing in here eyes an I knew she was blaming herself. " You have been gone for five days" Enid said an the boys nodded. "Do you know what happened?" Enid asked an I heard wenesday sniff an looked over at her. She turned away an looked away from me.

   "Why don't we all let Miss Cross get some rest" I heard a familiar voice say from behind them. I knew exactly who that voice belong to and of everybody she was the one I wanted to see the most. Everyone split apart and Larissa appeared her face was red and her eyes were bloodshot she had clearly been crying.

   Everyone clears out of my room. Except for Larissa that is, she sits down in the chair next to me closest to me."do you remember anything she asked me?" "Yes I do but before I tell you what I remember there's something else I need to tell you."

   "The first school that I left was because of an ex-girlfriend. She had become a extremely obsessive. Now letting me go anywhere on my own going through my phone wanting to know what I did with all of my money."I paused before going on "every school I ever went to she found me I've been running from her for years that maybe this time would be different"I say and look down and away from Larissa.

   "Why didn't you tell me you could have just told me. I could have helped you. But I can help you now and she will never get a hold of you again!" Larissa says and I turned back and look at her tears running down my eyes I feel something touch my hand and I look down to see that it was her holding it.

   "You asked me what I remember so here it is. Me and Wednesday went shopping for the dance so I could find something to wear. When someone bumped into me Wednesday got mad and I didn't understand why but I moved on about it. After we got what I was wearing and everything was said and done and I cashed out we walked out of the store." I pause and look at Larissa I could tell that I had her full attention almost like nothing else mattered.

   "I put my hands in my pockets and noticed that I had paper in my pocket so I took it out and unfolded it and read it. They told me to get away from Wednesday or something bad would happen to her. So I did exactly that I lost Wednesday I was technically walking back to the school. I yelled out and asked her where she was and she said I'm right here and then the world went black." I say and Larissa wipes her eye her eyes were tearing up. Since when do I mean this much to her I knew we were kind of getting close but I didn't know we were getting this close. I think to myself.

   "Do you remember anything else sky"she asked her voice was hoarse and that was the first time she had said my name since I woke up and broke my heart to hear her this sad and to know why I caused it."not really I was in and out of consciousness most of the time" I say an look down at our hands and smile weakly.

   "How is the dance since it seems I missed it?"I asked trying to change the subject"it went very well thank you but I don't want you to have to worry about that I want you to get better and get rest"she said

   "You'll be staying in my dorm with me tonight where I can keep an eye on you and know that you are safe."she says and I start blushing uncontrollably. I didn't know what to think about her telling me that I was going to stay in her dorm. This seemed to be moving a little faster than I would have hoped but I understand her concern for me.

   "What is your ex's name so I can keep an ear out?"she asks me and I answer right away"her name is Alissa Jackson. " I reply"okay thank you darling. Why don't we get you to my office?"she asks and starts caressing my hand. I noticed that there was clothes at the foot of my bed and so I slowly get up and put them on with her help of course and we walked to her office her arm around my waist to study me as I was still sore.

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