Her Love

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   I don't want to move because I don't want to wake her up. I slowly roll so I am facing her. She looks so calm an relaxed. I noticed a strand of hair in her face an gently move it. I place my hand on her cheek an she starts to stir so I stop my movements.

   Her eyes flutter open"I am sorry if I woke you." I whisperer an she takes the arm she has wrapped around me an pulls me closer to her so now I was all the way up against her. I put my forehead against her. " You don't ever have to apologize." She said in a raspy voice that sent chills down my body

   "Can we just stay here for forever?" I ask. "Unfortunately no we can. "She says an without thinking twice I close the space between our lips and kiss her. I move my arm to wrap around her an my hand lays on her lower back.

   We only brake the kiss when nether one could breathe. I didn't want to move I didn't want to get up but I knew we would have to at some point. "Why don't we get up an go get something to eat it's dinner time anyway." She says an I nodd in agreement.

   We get up an both head down the halls to the dinning hall hand in hand. To be honest I don't think eathier of us cared if someone saw, but the halls were already empty an everyone was already in the dinning hall anyway.

   We get to the dinning hall an I look over to her then down to our hands we walk in the room an she goes over to the teachers table an I walk to the table we're wenesday an Enid were sitting.

   Enid speaks first " is there anything you need to tell us?" She asks "no not yet" I say because I didn't honestly know what I would tell them. An I definitely wouldn't tell anyone without her permission.

   Wenesday just gives me a look with a raised eye brow without saying anything. "I'll be right back" I say an get up an go an get something to eat. I didn't really pay attention to what I didn't really care eathier my mind was elsewhere.

   I go back and sit down an look over at Larissa an she was talking to the teachers. I sit back down at my table with the girls. " How was the dance?" I asked since I had missed it. "It was good Enid an I went together." Wenesday said an I smiled. Those two were ment for each other.

   After we were done eating the three of us head back to the dorm. I go an jump in the shower an put on pajamas.  I come back out of the bathroom and Enid an Wenesday were talking. So I grab my book off my desk and go lay on my bed an read it.

   20 minutes had gone by when we heard a knock on the door. Miss Thornhill walked through the door. " Skylar principal weems would like to speak to you" she says an I close my book an throw some slippers on an walked to her office.

  I knock softly on your door. I heard a soft" come in" come from behind the door an I open the door an my jaw drops.  I know it does, because what I see in her office take my breath away

  I slowly walk into her office. There was lights hanging everywhere she had candles light sitting everywhere an fight roaring in the fireplace. All the light bouncing off the wood made it look like a warm color an I was utterly speechless.

   I look over at her an if I wasn't speechless before I definitely was now because she looked absolutely stunning. She has a silver dress on it was a spaghetti strap dress.  It showed an amazing amount of cleavage, enough to make me drool. It hugged each an every one of her curves in the most beautiful way.

   She walks behind me an shuts the door" I am so not dressed right for this" I blurt out. " Oh your dressed fine darling"she says and walks around me an holds her hand out. I put my hand in her an she pulls me to her.

   She closes the space between us an kisses me real quick. Then she walks over to her desk an plays some slow dancing music. she walks over to me an holds out her hand i smile and take hers into mine. she spins me slowly an we dace for probubly 30 minutes. But it felt like forever in a lifetime. It felt like a dream come true.

   We danced without talking. Just lookoing into each others eyes it seemed like we could carry on a converatioin. We could see how we felt about each other without even speaking a word.

   we deside that we didnt want to dance anymore so we go sit down, or well she sits down an i sit on her lap. i barry my face into her neck and we stay like that just listening to the music.

   "what do you have planned for now?" i ask her in my sofest voice. i could feel her cheek mucscles tighten so i knew she was smiling. "whatever you want dear" she says an i knew what i wanted but i didnt know if she would want to or was ready to take that next step beings that we hadn't defined our relationship yet.

   i unbarry my face from he neck just a little to have enough room to start kissing her neck in all the right places. I notice her head started to lean giving me more room to kiss her neck. I hear a low moan come from her mouth."i take it you liked that?" i asking an then gentaly nibble on her earlobe an that was enough to make her come unties.  She carries me through the doors to her room. She sets me down on the floor on my feet up against a wall she rested her hands against the wall one by my head an one by my waist

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