The battle of a life time- part two

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   When we got back to the school i gather the secreity society in larissas office. We make a plan to keep the school safe against Alissa. Then me Wenesday and Enid go to the dorm an make a plan of our own. We sat there for a little while and came up with the some ideas.

   Alissa wasnt stupid enough to keep larissa at the Gates mantion becouse she knows thats the first place i would go to look for her. We desised that  i would go to the gates mantion and look for any clues that i could to lead us to where she might be keeping Larissa. Wenesday and Enid would stay here and help at the school until i sent one of them a text telling them that i found something. It was all hands on deck at the school right now.

   I take off and start running to the gaates mantion as fast as i can i start upstairs and i go from room to room. All the furnture was still covered up with sheets in almost the whole house. Except for a little girls room. I slowly walk into the room, i had a eary feeling like someone was watching me. I take a deep breathe and keep walking into the room i go throw the desk drawers and what i find absolutly takes my breathe away. I reach into the drawer and grab a 4x4 picture of someone who looked unblievably like someone i know. I rack my brain and when i relise who it looks like i take a deep sharp breathe. It was Alissa as a child. Before she becaame a vampire.

   My phone beeps and i pull it out, It was a text message from Enid.

Enid: We found principle Weems. She was just in the courtyeard.
Me: Is she alive
Enid: Yes shes alive but weak we took her to the hospital wing.
Me: Keep here there an keep your eye on her at all times. I want you and Wenesday to take shifts watching her. I dont trust anyone else. Im finding amazing clues.

   I send that text an something catches the cornter of my eye and i out my phone back in my pocket and keep looking around. I couldnt shake the feeling that someone was watching me. I use my power to move things with my mind and close the door to the bedroom. I turn the picture over an read the back of the picture an read, 12 years of age.

   There was a child behind thid mean hard vampire of a girl. What happened to turn her into what she is now. There were all qouestions i have for her and i knew as soon as i called her name out loud she would be next to my side becaouse i knew it was her watching me. I knew she wouldnt be happy that i found any of this and i knew she wasnt gonna be happy that i knew any of this.

   I look back into the drawer and find a journal i slowly reach in and pick it up. I open it up and flip through and started reading it. I killed them i killed them all. What have i done. What do I do now. Now i have no one in this world. Nobody will ever love me the way they did. What do I do now. WEll i guess i knew now what happened. I didnt know all of the detials but i didnt have to. I could put it together to come up with a conclution.

   "Alissa" i say out loud an within a few secounds she was right there. "Yes Skylar" she say looking at me and snatches the journal back out of my hands. "We found larissa. Shes alive" I say with a smirk i knew would make her so mad. "She wont make it through the night. Why do you think i gave her back. And now i have to kill you too becouse now you know my secreat too.

   "What secreat the fact that you killed your whole family. Is that what turned you into this mean person?"I ask her. And before i could even take a breathe i feel here grab me by the back of my nack an her nails dig into the back of my neck. "Thats none of your busniess. But since you asked and i plan to kill you, yes i killed my whole family and yes that turned my into this heartless person i am today." she says an i could see her vampire teeth.

   "What did Larissa ever so to you to make you hate her so much?" I ask her an i feel her nails dig deeper into my neck. "She made me think she cared about me made me feel like she could help me become the person i was before. Then she pushed me out to the woods like i was just a wild dog." she say pauses the says" enough talking im hungry." that was the last thing i felt before  i felt her sharp vampire teeth go into my an my own warm blood go down my neck. Then i felt what i can only imagine was her snapping my neck an my body drop to the floor. What i didnt know was that she put her own blood into my mouth.

   I could feel the cold air and i could hear everything going on around me. I thought death was comiing but it wouldnt come fast enough.

   Soon i could feel freezing wet air around me. Then i hear Wensedays voice screaming my name" SKYLAR" it was the last thing i heard until i woke back up in the school. My throuat is dry and itchy and i had an increadible undiscribable hunger.

A/N i know it has been while guy and im sorry. Work has been kicking my butt. I havent been doing much but sleeping and eating in my free time. But here you all go here your next update for you guys. Also i have had a few throughs of making a second book for this one we will see how i end this one first! Have a great night everyone!And go make someone smile!

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