The Battle of A Lifetime Part-One

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The night was drawing closer to midnight an with every hour i felt like my life was closer to a end. I know the people around me would sooner die then let Alissa hurt me. However im not gonna let anyone lay down there life for me im just not that kinda person. I knew if i wanted to do something to keep everyone i loved safe i had to do it soon.

I had to find a way to sneek away from them. There nit gonna wellingly let me leave this room. I had to do something and i have to do it soon before its to late. The two of them were posted on look out at a diffrent window around the office, my beautiful girlfriend was at the window in her only room. I was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room.

As quitly as i can i get up and walk over to the door without making a noice. I open the door trying to keep it from creaking an braking there focas. I get out the door, i dont even bother to close the door i just started running to the front doors of the school. Once i was out in the cort yard they would never get to me in time to save me and as long as they were safe i am okay with that.

I get out in the court yard and i hear Larissa scream my name. I turn my head blow her a kiss and then keep running. Out of no where Alissa is in front of me and i stop running an look at her." Dont hurt them please." i say an look back "only if you come with me, no questions asked." she says. I put my hands up in surrender.

She wraps her arms around me an takes off with the speed of light. I just hold on an wait to see what heppens. And without a dought i knew that they were gonna be coming to get me back it was only a matter of time. And i knew someone will get hurt at the cost of me. And i dont want that. Thats the last thing i want to happn.

She took us to the old gate mantion. Ties me to a chair an buts a blind fold over my eyes. There was no way i could see what was going on around me. But i could hear noices around me. "Are you ready to stop running." I she asks and i just nod my head not giving you a vocal answer. " Im sorry i cant hear the marbles in your head shaking." she says. " yes im done running, as long as nobody gets hurt." i tell her.

"well i guess that all depends on you now dont it." she says. "i guess" i give a quick short answer. All of the suden i hear a loud bang an it sounded like it came from outside. " And like clock work the calvarty has arived." she ways and i try to get lose.

I try to get myself lose but she tied me up tight. From behind me i foot steps and i knew they weren't Alissa she walks heavier then the person who just walked in." Whos there?" i ask. "Its me Sweetheart." larissa says an cuts me lose. "Why did you go with her?"she asks. I look with her with the sadest look on my face. "I didnt want anything to happen to you. And we both know something is gone to happen. " i say as we walk out and begin running away from the gate mantion." Did you come alone?" i ask her.

"Yes I did. I can camoflash myself into anyone so we thaught it would be easier that way." she says and i smile "well lets get back to the school" she says. All of the sudden i feel larissa let go of me. i turn around and she was gona"Alissa let her go" i scream "Why should i you ran and you said you were done running." she suddenly appeared alone.

"Where is she?"I ask. "nowhere near here!" she says. " let her go. im here i stoppened running. im still right here." i reply "i have the one person you love in this whole world. what are you welling to do to get her back." she asks quickly. "anything i snap" there is a file in her office with the name Emily Stonehill on it bring it to me then we will go from there." she says and i start running back to the school as fast as my lags could run. unfortinitly super speed was not one of my powers.

I get back to the school and run straight to larissas office. I knew right were her student files are. I start going through them looking for a Emily Stonehill. When i find it i grab it and turn to start running back to the old gates mantion where i left Alissa. But Wenesday and Enid stop me. "She went after you we havent seeen her since." Wenesday states " i know Alissa has her. she sent me to get this file i have to bring it back to her at the old gates mation but she isnt keeping larissa there." i say and Enid looks at me "okay what do you need us to do?" She asks. "Go look for larissa well i distract Alissa with this stupid filie." I say and then start taking off to the old gates mation.

I get there and Alissa is greeting me at the gates."wheres the file?" she asks me and i oull it out if my bag i grabbed well i was in the office. "So who is Emily Stonehill?" i ask. "i am" she replied " thats right i went to nevermore acadamy." she says. "And Larissa Weems kicked me out for bad behaver." she said and threw the file into the can fire. " So why this obession with me?" i ask her

"Becouse i knew as a last resort if i kept pushing you and making you run you would be going to nevermore academy. I also knew that would lead me to Larissa Weems. And i would do anything to get back to her an make her pay." she says

"So this was never about me?" I ask "News flash not everything is about, I know thats not what you want to hear but thats how it is." she says.

"what are you gonna do to her?" i ask "Thats for me to know and you to find out." she says an walks back towards the gate mation. I start running iI knew this could posibly just be the begining an i had to let them know. The secret society would keep the school in order until the three of us found larissa and we get back to the school. Until then we werent doing anything until we find her.

That was the most importent thing to all of us right now.

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