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"daddy! daddy!", malina shouted as she jumped onto her fathers lap. she wanted to show her father a painting she just made of him, her and her mother.

"what?!", he yelled at her loudly. he was, once again, annoyed by his daughter. malina winced at her dads tone, jumped off of him and ran away crying.

he couldn't care less and continued reading the newspaper.

when malina reached the kitchen she noticed her grandma sitting on the table next to her mum.

"grannie!", she happily shouted as her grandma gave her a big warming hug.

her grandma was probably the only one in her family who could give her affection and comfort. since both her parents were emotionally not there, she was more than happy to have her grandma.

her grandma rosie pulled the little
malina onto her lap and starting stroking her hair.

when malina looked up she saw her mother sniffling, trying to hide her tears.

"ma what's wrong", she asked her mother but she wasn't able to answer.
she quickly stood up walking to the other side of the room,
covering her face again.

"hey my little peanut, can you go to your room really quick, grannie's gonna be right there playing with you okey?"
malina quickly nodded and run up to her room. she was just about to walk upstairs when she heard her mother and grandma talking.

"sienna i told you, he's abusive please"
malina recognized her grandmas voice.
"mum what am i supposed to do, i have a little girl with him" she heard her mother sobbing.

"honey he's an drug addict and alcoholic please"

the next thing malina heard was her fathers footsteps approaching so she quickly ran up to her room, locking her door, crawling under her blanket.

the next second nothing happened but then something happened malina was sadly familiar with.

she heard her mother scream and crying, loudly chocking and her father yelling words she didn't know but definitely didn't sound nice. after that she heard glass breaking, doors and furniture as well.

"fuck", malina breathed heavily as she shot up. she was laying on her couch. malina must've fell asleep after she came home from neymar's.


her mind wandered back to the events of the evening. malina needed someone to talk to right now.

"lina?", yulia asked into her phone tiredly. it was currently ten pm which was not really a late time, but due to yulias working schedule she was already asleep by now.

"can you come over to mine?", malina asked, her voice breaking with every word.

"yes of course, what happened?", yulia asked worried already stumbling out of her door into her car.

"i'll tell you later, see you" with that malina hung up.

she was sitting on her couch, curled up in a blanket. the dry tears were stained on her cheeks, her eyes puffy and red.

she didn't know why she cried, it just happened naturally. she liked him, she really did.

she liked him since the moment she saw him in that studio, since davi sat on her lap.

but in her mind he was just pretending to like her because he had to. little did she know he would drop every single for in a second to be there for her, would kill every man who only dared to look at her, would chose her over everyone.

just in that moment she heard a key in her door which was yulia. both, her and ric had an key to her penthouse apartment. it was a beautiful apartment. you could see over whole paris from up her.

"hey babe, what happened?", yulia asked softly as she sat down next to her.

"i think i like him", malina whispered as she cuddled herself closer at yulia, remembering she laid like that with neymar just an hour ago.

"lina that's a good thing, you finally like someone", yulia encouraged her.
"but i don't think he likes me back"

"why?", yulia asked confused.
"i think he's just pretending for the media" yulia sighed at her friends words.
"malina don't be stupid, that lovebird likes you, i'm sure", she encourages her friend.
"but you never even met him"

"i saw how he looked at you on that carpet tonight, i'm sorry but not even lenny looked at you like that"
"you sure?", malina asked unsure.
"yes babe" with that yulia pressed a kiss against her friends forehead.

"talk to him"
malina nodded as an answer.

"is your guest room free, i'm way too tired to drive home"

"yeah go ahead, lora is spending a few days at ric", she explained to her best friend who thankfully nodded as answer.

just in that moment her phone lit up.

hey i'm really sorry for what happened, can you talk?

malina smiled at his message.

why not

appeared on his screen. a heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders after the message from her.

i'm coming over to you're what's your address.

she quickly send him her address and only a few minutes later her doorbell rang.

she opened her door telling him he needed to be quite because her friend was sleeping in her guest room as she pushed him into his bedroom.

"you seriously wanna fuck now?", neymar asked chuckling.

"shut up, it's just the room that's the most far away from the guest room", she said in a harsh tone. "i'm sorry i shouldn't talk in that tone, i'm just tired and today was a bit too much and i feel like i'm gonna explode any minute", she ranted.

he looked at her confused but slowly pulled her into a hug.

"linda what's wrong with you, you don't normally act like that", he whispered stroking her hair softly.

she smiled at the nickname. what made it more cute to her was that he thought she didn't know what it meant.

"i have literal hormones cursing through my veins because i didn't take a fucking birth control for three years and then you came along and decided to fuck me without a condom", she explained in a rush. still talking into his shoulders because he held her against his abdomen.

"so your attitude is my fault", he asked smirking.

she pushed him away, glaring deadly at him. "leave my apartment right now", she said her voice breaking. she didn't know why but she suddenly felt the urge to cry.

she couldn't hold it in anymore and let the tears fall down her cheeks.

"are you crying?", neymar asked her confused, cupping her cheeks with his hands, wiping away the tears.

"yes i'm fucking crying", she said pushing his body away once more,
"i'm fucking crying because i actually like you for gods sake, and i know that i shouldn't because i only know you for one and a half month and you don't even like me and just pretend for the media and i should do that too but i can't and it makes me want to fucking explode!", she ranted as she watched his lips curl into a smile.

"why are you smiling like an idiot", she spat.

"you like me?", he asked with hope in his voice

"yes you fucking idiot, i like you"

he softly grabbed her cheeks again and gently pressed his lips onto hers.

she quickly reacts and returns the kiss.
his lips on hers felt more than perfect to both of them, like they could forget every single thing around them, like the world would only turn for them.

"i like you too", he mumbles at her lips as their softly pulled away.
"you do?", malina asked, looking at him with so much love in her eyes.

"i do, not just for the media, i really do", he assures her.

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