Chapter 16 - It's Exactly What it Looks Like

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Adrien's POV


I woke up to the sound of Marinette yelling at someone, but I decided to stay still after assessing the conversation in a split second.

"Okay, what does it look like?"

"Please Nino, this didn't mean to happen, trust me."

I suddenly recalled what happened a few hours prior and felt myself heat up at the thoughts.

"It's okay. You're secret is safe with me. I was confused when the door was locked, but when I turned my key to get in, it all made sense. Also you talk in your sleep."

"Thanks, I appreciate you keeping this on the down low, especially because of Aly-Wait, what did I say in my sleep?"

'Wait, Marinette sleep talks? I would've never guessed'

"Oh you know, the usual things. Adrien's name or some random cat pun for reasons unknown. Also you said 'Please come back, I can't do this without you.' What's that all about?"

When I heard that, I got a strange sense of deja-vu, but I couldn't determine from what.

"I-oh, Um- it's nothing don't worry about it. I have strange dreams, heh."

"You should probably be more clear to Adrien about your feelings, he thinks you hate him."

I groaned silently in my head. 'Nino can't keep a secret, can he?'

"Wait, why would he think that?"

"Avoiding him, stuttering around him, running away if you can, etc."

"But you know that's just because I can't face him all the time, I get flustered too easily."

'Why would she get flustered? I really don't mean any harm to her.'

"I know, but he doesn't. It's pretty clear his feeling towards you, but you have to be clear as well."

"I can't just tell him I love him!"

I stifled back a cough in surprise to what I heard. It suddenly got dead silent for a minute before I heard laughter from Nino.

"You gotta be quiet, don't forget the predicament you're in."

"I know, okay? You're making things complicated, leave."

"But it's my room?"

"Go bug Alya in her dorm, I won't mind. Just make sure to tell her that I'm fine if she asks and speak NOTHING of what happened here."

'He'd better not say anything or I might just cataclysm his mouth shut'

"Okay fine, you win. But remember, you gotta face this sooner or later."

I heard him get up and a few seconds later, the clicking of a door shut and locked. I didn't dare open my eyes, but I heard Marinette sigh and then felt her hand against the side of my face. She gently tucked my hair behind my ear and rested her hand against the side of my face. I felt butterflies in my stomach, and did my best to look asleep.

"I really wish I could tell you, I really do. I just can't bring myself to do it yet, I need help."

I felt her lie back down beside me, and move her hand off my face. I felt slightly disappointed, but then she grasped my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine. Maybe in the moment I couldn't admit it to myself, but there was one think I knew. 'I will always care about you Marinette.'

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