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“Hey sweetheart, I’m right here. Let’s get this over with so we can get you home, ok?” Eddie said, sitting next to me on the bed. I took his hand, lacing our fingers together and told Callahan everything. Eddie’s other hand was rubbing my back, helping me to keep calm. 

I couldn’t help but stare at him. He looked like hell, his eye had fully swollen shut and his lip had finally stopped bleeding. His knuckles were purple and red from punching Josh, and I didn’t even know what Josh looked like right now.

“Well y/n, all we need is for you to identify him. We’ll show you some pictures and if you point him out we’ll arrest him. After that, once you get the all clear from the doctor you can leave. Sound good?” I nodded and he handed me the photos. I instantly knew which one he was and pointed him out. They took the picture at the hospital, and he looked awful. Eddie really did a number on him. Compared to what he did to Josh, Eddie’s injuries looked like scratches.

Callahan left and the nurse gave me the all clear to go, but I realized I had no clothes to wear. Eddie ran to the gift shop and got me sweatpants and a sweater, which made me laugh.

“So your dad is a bit busy, so I can take you home if you want?” Eddie said as we walked out of the hospital. 

“I don’t wanna go home, he knows where I live.” I said, the thought of him coming back and finishing what he started terrified me.

“I, uh you can come to mine. We can grab you some things and go from there?” he asked, almost shy about the offer.

“Yea that sounds good. I can shower and grab some stuff. Thank you.” I said.

After getting to my place, I realized I didn’t have my keys so I had to knock on my neighbors door to get my spare. Janice was the nicest older lady, and kept a look out for everyone in the building. Once she opened the door and saw me, she pulled me into her place and sat me down, ushering Eddie in as well.

“Sweet girl, what happened to you? Was it that, that boy again?” she asked, bringing me a glass of water. I nodded, bringing the glass to my lips, actively avoiding Eddie’s gaze on me.

“I knew he was bad news. Oh my poor girl!” she said, wrapping her arms around me.

“I’m sorry Janice, I should have listened to you. I just didn’t think I deserved better.”

“Sweet girl, you deserve the world and everything amazing it can give you! You’ve been through so much bad, you deserve some good.” she said, rubbing my back. 

“And, who’s this?” she asked, motioning to Eddie, who stood silently by the door.

“Eddie Munson ma’am, nice to meet you.” he said, putting his hand out to shake hers.

“Well Eddie Munson, please have a seat. Y/n has told me a bit about you. There’s also what I’ve heard around town, but I never believed any of that. You’re Wayne’s boy, right?” she asked, looking at him warmly.

“That’s right ma’am. Well he’s my uncle, but he raised me after my parents passed.” Eddie replied. I had no idea his parents passed away. I guess I never got the chance to know him.

“Well Wayne has nothing but good things to say about you. We work together at the plant, he’s such a gentleman. Always bringing me coffee and a sweet before work. I think he’s just the sweetest.” Janice said, her eyes lighting up. I knew a crush when I saw one, no matter what age. I thought it was the cutest thing.

“Well, I came to use the spare key. Mine’s still at work. I’m gonna shower and grab some things to stay with Eddie. I won’t feel safe here for a while.” I said, looking down at Janice’s hand wrapped around mine.

“Oh honey, I don’t blame you. Not one bit. I’ll keep a lookout on your place as usual.” she said, getting up to grab the spare.

“Wayne’s mentioned her before. I think the feelings are mutual.” Eddie whispered to me, grinning. I laughed a little, thinking how cute they would be together.

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