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 After getting the key, I went to unlock my door. I was hesitant at first, thinking he would be there for some reason. Eddie took the key and unlocked it, pushing me behind him.

“I’ll check it out if it makes you feel better?” He asked and I nodded, but followed him the whole time. Once it was cleared, I went to my room and grabbed a change of clothes, my towel and went into the bathroom to shower. I couldn’t handle the feel of him all over me anymore. No matter how much I scrubbed, it never seemed to go away. I felt my knees give out and I dropped to the floor of my bathtub and sobbed. It got Eddie’s attention cause he started banging on the door.

“Y/n, are you ok? What happened?” he asked, worry laced his voice.

“I can’t get him off me…his touch…it’s, it’s all over and it won’t come off.” I sobbed.

“I’m gonna come in, ok?” Eddie asked. “Ok.” I said, and he opened the door slowly.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” he asked, sitting down on the toilet next to the tub.

“I don’t know. I don’t even have the strength to wash my hair, let alone the rest of my body properly. Maybe just stay in here with me while I get my bearings?” 

“I could get in and help? No It’s not an excuse to see you naked, I promise.” Eddie offered, and I laughed a little. It did sound tempting.

“Yea, ok. That sounds nice. Only if you’re sure?”

“Yea, I’m sure. Just give me a second.” he said, and I heard him disrobe and open the curtain.

“Let me help you up. Give me your hands.” he said, reaching down for me. I looked up to see him in only his boxers, and I took his hands letting him pull me up. My knees were still weak, so when he stepped in, he rested my hands on his sides.

Eddie’s face contorted when he saw the state of my body. Old and new bruises, scars from when he broke skin. I saw a tear fall down his face before he smiled at me. I looked down and noticed all of his scars from the demobats. I had no idea they had been that bad, but then again we didn’t really keep in touch after all that.

There were also fresh bruises, I assumed from Josh. I trailed my fingers over them, looking at him with sympathy. “I’m sorry Eddie.” “Nothing to be sorry for. I’d do it all over again.” 

“Just hold on to me, ok?” I nodded, not sure I could say anything else. Eddie was gentle, washing and conditioning my hair. He was hesitant about washing my body, not wanting to hurt me.

“It’s ok, it doesn’t hurt right now. If you don’t want to, I can figure it out.” I said, assuring him it was ok either way.

“No, I can help. I just don’t want to hurt you or make you uncomfortable, that’s all.” he said, gathering the washcloth and body wash and lathering them up, starting with my shoulders and chest. He reached back and washed my back, bending down to wash my legs and abdomen. When he reached a certain area, he stood up and handed me the rag.

“I’ll uh, let you finish up. I’ll stay in here if you want, or I can wait in the bedroom.” He said, stepping out of the shower. “Uh, the bedrooms fine. Can you get my bags from the closet though? They’re on the top. All the way to the right.” I asked, shutting the shower off and reaching out of the curtain to find the towel. 

“Here’s your towel. Yea I can do that.” Eddie replied, walking out of the bathroom and closing the door behind him. I stepped out and took stock of my body. I was used to seeing this, thinking it was normal. This is how men showed how much they loved you, right? This is how they showed what was theirs, by marking their territory. Now I wasn’t so sure, because of Eddie.

Eddie was so caring and gentle, and we’re supposed to hate each other. He’s been nothing but good to me through this whole thing. He didn’t have to kick down that door and save me, but he did. He didn’t have to stay with me, but he did. He didn’t have to do any of the things he’s done today, but he did. What did all of this mean? Is it gonna be back to normal with us when I’m better? Maybe for him, but I feel different about him now.

I dried off and got dressed, wrapping the towel around my hair before leaving the bathroom. Eddie sat on the chair in my room, elbows on his knees, messing with his rings. When he heard me come out, he looked up and gave me a small smile.

“Hey, you need help packing or anything?” He asked, getting up. He winced a bit, and the guilt came back. He saw the tears in my eyes and walked over to me, lifting my chin to look at him.

“Hey, no more of that ok? I’ll be fine. Like I said, I’d do it all over again.”

“But why? Why are you being so nice to me? You’ve hated me for so long and now…now all of a sudden you’re a completely different person with me. You didn’t have to do all of what you did today. I’m sorry, I just don’t get it.” I said, dropping down on my bed and hiding my face in my hands. I felt him sit down next to me and sigh.

“And here I thought you hated me, that’s why I was the way I was.” Eddie said with a low chuckle.

“You didn’t hate me?”

“Quite the opposite actually. I’ve had a crush on you for years, but I’m nowhere near good enough for you. Seeing you hanging out with guys that were the complete opposite of me kind of cemented that. Plus, being the Sheriff's daughter kinda scared the hell out of me.”

“Eddie, I had no idea you had a crush on me. You never gave any hint that you did.” I said, turning to look at him. 

“Like I said, you deserve better than the town freak and drug dealer. You deserve someone who can give you all that stuff Janice was talking about, and I can’t do that.” he said, eyes dropping from mine. 

“Eddie, I don’t think those things about you, I never did. And as for what I deserve, the whole relationship with Josh was what I thought I deserved. I thought all of that was normal until today, until you changed that.” I said, making him look at me again.

“Today you showed me that there’s still good men out there. You’ve been nothing but good to me today and you did it without a second thought. That’s what I deserve. And if it makes a difference, I would have given you a chance, had you asked.” I said, cupping his cheek in my hand. Eddie leaned into my touch and put his hand over mine.

“Yea? You mean that?” he asked, almost scared. His beautiful brown eyes locked on mine.

“Every damn word. I mean every damn word. We’ve literally been through hell together and seen each other on our worst days. I think we deserve some good in our lives, don’t you?”

I asked, caressing his cheek with my thumb.

“Yea, I’d like to think so. I just didn’t think I’d ever find it.” Eddie whispered, eyes still on mine.

“Maybe we can be that for each other?” I asked, leaning my forehead on his.

“I’d really like that y/n. We can take this as slow as you need to. I don’t expect you to fall in love with me in a day.” Eddie said calmly, but I could tell he’s excited.

“I dunno Munson, might be a little late for that.” I chuckled. He just laughed back, but part of me wasn’t so sure it wasn’t a joke. I know I feel something for Eddie, I just wasn’t sure what it is yet.

“Ok sweetheart, let’s get you packed and back to mine. We’ll order pizza and watch movies, or bad TV, whatever you want. Sound good?” He asked, standing up and grabbing my bags and waiting for me to pack. There was a knock at the door, and I froze. Eddie saw the fear in my eyes and mouthed ‘stay here’. I nodded, curling myself up in my closet.

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