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We pulled up to his trailer not long after. The trailer the Hawkins Lab provided him after the whole Vecna thing. It was part of the payment they offered when they asked him to test his bat bites, they’d never seen anyone survive and wanted to know more. Eddie grabbed my bags while I grabbed the food and movies and we walked into the house.

“It’s not much, but it’s home. I’ll take these to your room and be right back, wanna get dinner ready for us?” He asked, heading down the hall.

“Yup, got it covered!” I said, pulling the food boxes out of the bag and opening them up, setting them on the counter. I looked for the plates and found paper ones, which was just fine with me. He lived alone, why make things more complicated? I felt him come up behind me and wrap his arms around me, and then in one quick movement, grab an eggroll and take off laughing.

“You jackass! I broke my back opening all these boxes for you, only for you to steal my eggroll?” I cracked, laughing out loud at him. Suddenly he looked very serious and started slowly walking towards me, before breaking out in a smile and running at me. I screamed out and tried running away, but he caught me from behind, picking me up.

“Eddie! Put me down!” I yelled, laughing at him.

“Nope, mine now! You’re stuck.” he said, flipping me over and setting me down on the counter top. We just laughed, staring at each other while trying to catch our breath. Eddie moved himself to stand between my legs, hands planted on either side of me on the counter.

“You mean it?” I asked, finally getting my breath back.

“Mean what?” he asked, moving a hair behind my ear.

“That I’m yours? Did you mean that?” I asked, playing with his rings.

“If you’ll have me. I’ll do anything to keep you safe.” Eddie said, lacing our fingers together.


“Y/n,  To keep you safe I would burn the world to cinders, I would sit and watch the flames dance in the moonlight. If I have to be the villain I will do it every time to keep something as precious as you safe. You’ve always meant the world to me, but I would burn it all down for you.” Eddie said, making sure I was looking him in the eyes when he said this, making sure I knew he meant every word. And I did. I believed every word. I reached over for him, pulling him closer to me.

“That was fucking beautiful Eddie. Now kiss me, because I feel like I’m imagining this, and I don’t want to be.” I said almost begging him. Eddie smiled when he put his hands on my hips, resting his forehead on mine.

“Gotta make sure my girl knows how I feel.” he said, closing the gap and pressing his lips to mine, softly at first. I moved my hands from his, trailing them slowly up his arms until they came to his neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. It was deep and passionate, nothing like I’d ever experienced before. I was full of love and caring and I couldn’t help but melt into it. I pulled back, keeping my hands on him and looking deep into his eyes.

“I could get used to that. That was really fucking nice.” I said, and Eddie nodded.

“I couldn’t agree more. We’ll have plenty of time for that another time, but for now we should at least eat something, hmm?” he asked, kissing my forehead and helping me down from the counter. We grabbed plates and the food, soda and movies and made our way to the couch. Eddie grabbed a blanket and put it over my legs to keep me warm, and I loved that he did that without even asking or me having to ask him. He just knew.

“So what did you pick while I was whooping Harrington? Ooh, my favorites. How’d you know?” he asked, seeing that I picked the first 2 Halloween movies.

“Well, they’re my favorite as well.” I said, munching on a spring roll. 

“My girl likes horror movies? This night just keeps getting better.” Eddie said, getting up to put in the first movie. He plopped down next to me and pulled my legs over his lap, making sure to keep them covered under the blanket. I smiled at the little action. It may not have seemed like much to him, but it felt like the nicest thing to me. 

After eating, Eddie settled back into the couch and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into him. I curled myself into him, laying my head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. I felt my eyelids droop, and before I knew it I was sleeping.  I don't know how long I was out, but I felt him shift under me and that’s when I heard the other voices. 

“She’s out like a light guys, but you’re welcome to stay.” Eddie said quietly, and I shifted in his lap, letting him know I was awake. I looked up to see him smiling at me. 

“Hey sweetheart, Steve and Robin just got here.” he said, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

“I know, I heard Harrington a mile away.” I said, looking over at Steve and sticking my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes and gave me the finger. Eddie and Robin laughed.

“Ok, I’m gonna ignore the fact that you’re literally in Eddie’s lap for now, but we need to know what the hell happened this last year.” Robin blurted out. She was never one for tact. 

“Ok, you’re gonna wanna sit down for this. And please, just let me get through this before you say anything, ok?” I said, making sure they both heard me loud and clear. They both nodded.

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