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“Explain yourself Munson.” I heard Robin’s voice carry through the trailer. Rolling my eyes, I climbed out of bed and walked to the living room, seeing the whole gang, children included. When Dustin and Will saw me, they yelled and jumped on me, dropping all of us to the floor.

“Did you guys miss me or something?” I asked laughing, crawling out from under them.

“Robin told us everything y/n!” Will started.

“We totally could have taken him out for you.” Dustin said, grinning his big toothy grin.

“Wow Dustybun, those are some good looking pearls!! And no braces! I sure have missed a lot!” I said, gently hugging both boys again.

“Yea, you missed Susie’s visit and everything! We thought you didn’t like us anymore.” Will said, looking down at his hands. My poor, sweet emotional Will.

“I could never not like you. You’re my boys! Nothing can change that, and nothing will ever come between us again, I promise.” I said, paying special attention to Will. He may be my step brother now, but he was always like a brother to me. Don’t tell the others, but he’s always been my favorite, Dusty a very close second.

I looked up again to see everyone’s eyes on me. Some filled with pity, which I hated. I never wanted anyone's pity. Robin, Steve Dad and Eddie stood in a circle talking. I assumed he was telling them about the bullet wound healing, just by the constant looks at his side. Good choice not wearing a shirt I guess. 

Mike, El, Lucas and Max got down on the floor by us, smiles and some tears followed. Max was quiet, but she’d been like that since Billy and I felt horrible that I couldn’t check on her after the whole Vecna thing. I went from self isolation to Josh and I’m not sure which was worse to be honest. 

Once Vecna was finally defeated, his mental hold on Max was released and she woke up. She still had to heal from the breaks and physical therapy took forever from what she said, but she looked good and healthy. She needed glasses now as well, but she rocked them like the badass she is.

“How you doin Red? You look great!” I asked and the girl shrugged, but flashed me a big smile. 

“Better now that we got our big sister back. We missed you so much Big Bit.” she said with a giggle, and smiled at the nickname. I was Big Bit and the kids were my Little bits, Max joining in when she moved here and joined the gang.

“And I missed my little bits, so damn much.” The kids all looked at each other then back at me.

“Dogpile!” Dustin screamed, and all the kids piled on me. I laughed, but I could still feel all the love these kids had for me and God damnit I really fucking missed them. 

“Alright you miscreants, unhand my woman!” I heard Eddie command, standing behind them, arms crossed and looking upset, before breaking out in a huge grin and picking them up, one by one and moving them off me.

“My hero! Please save me!” I faux cried, playing into whatever the hell he was doing. The boys decided to fight back, pretending to stop him from getting to me, while Max and El pulled me around them and I hid behind Dad, who was rolling his eyes but laughing. It took them a moment to realize I was gone, and they looked around confused.

“You boys are horrible at protecting damsels.” Eddie said laughing, while pulling me out from behind my dad. They groaned, demanding a rematch.

“Not tonight children. How about…..this weekend we have a big cookout and sleepover? What do you think babe?” Eddie asked, turning to me.

“I dunno….” I heard them all groan, begging and pleading. “I think I love the idea. Let’s do it.”

Whooping and hollering came from the kids. I can’t even call them children anymore. Pretty soon they’re gonna graduate and be legal adults, and honestly that scared the hell out of me. After a while everyone left, and I trudged my way back to the bedroom with Eddie following.

“Well, that was fun.” Eddie said, flopping down next to me and pulling me close, nuzzling into my neck and sighing contentedly.  I wrapped one arm around him, playing with his hair and the other running my hand up and down his arm, hearing him hum a little.

“I think we may need to push movie night out another day my love.” Eddie said, sleep invading his voice.

“I think so too. Here’s the real question. Who’s getting up to turn the light off?” I asked, and Eddie groaned. I laughed, moving to get up before he pulled me back down, leaning over the bed to grab his work boot and throwing it at the wall, successfully turning off the light. 

“Done that before?” I asked, laughing at his creativity.

“Oh, once or twice. Did it a lot after surgery though. Easier than pulling myself out of bed in as much pain as I was in.” Eddie mumbled, pushing his face farther into my neck. Before long he was asleep, and listening to his even breathing lulled me to sleep not long after.

I didn’t sleep long before the nightmare started. I found myself back in the store, but this time Eddie was too late and when he did get there Josh killed him, making me watch.

I told you, you’re mine.” Was all he said before slitting my throat.

I woke up crying, looking over to make sure Eddie was ok before checking my own throat. Eddie stirred a bit before falling back asleep. I couldn’t, even if I tried so I slowly made my way out of bed and out to the kitchen. I looked at the clock on the stove and it was only 1 am. I decided to make coffee, knowing I wasn’t going to be able to sleep.

Once it was done, I grabbed a blanket and curled up on the couch and watched a movie that I only half paid attention to. I knew we were safe from him, but that didn’t stop the fear I had for Eddie’s safety. Not mine, but his because I wasn’t worried about myself anymore. I couldn’t forgive myself if something happened to him because of me.

Maybe I needed to distance myself from him. I needed to keep him safe, because no matter what anyone said I knew this wasn’t over. Impending doom lingered in the back of my mind, no matter how much I tried to ignore it.

Eddie didn’t deserve to get hurt because of me, no matter what he said. I knew what I had to do, even if it meant breaking both our hearts. I could deal with that, as long as he was safe.

I made my way to the bedroom quietly, thankful Eddie was a heavy sleeper. I slipped on a pair of pants and reached down to grab my bags when I heard movement behind me.

“Babe?” Eddie asked, his rough sleepy voice made my knees weak, but I couldn’t turn to look at him.

“I’m sorry Eddie, I have to go.” I said, grabbing my bags.

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