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I heard voices coming from the front room, both male. Not much conversation, but I heard a laugh. I knew that laugh. I flung my closet open and rushed to the living room, jumping into my dad’s arms. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

“Hey squish, how you feelin?”  Dad asked, putting me down but still hugging me.

“I’m ok, all things considered. I’m grabbing some things and staying by Eddie for a while. I really don’t want to be here.” I said, looking up at him.

“I was actually coming to see if you wanted to come stay with Joyce and I, but this seems like a better idea. Not sure how a house full of kids would be good for you right now.” he said chuckling. “You sure you’re ok with this Munson?” he asked, looking over me to Eddie, who had plopped himself on my couch.

“Sure am Hop. Got a spare room at the new trailer and she’s more than welcome for however long she needs or wants. Plus, it’ll be nice to have some company now that Wayne’s moved into his new place.” Eddie said, assuring my dad it was all ok.

“Wayne moved out? When’d that happen?” Dad asked, letting go of me and sitting next to Eddie on the couch. “Oh, about 6 months ago. I think he got sick of living with me to be honest.” he said, laughing out loud. “No, he said it was time I had my own place and while I loved living with him, I agreed with him.”

“How’s the job at the shop going?” Dad asked, and I looked over at him. I had no idea he was working at a shop, or had a job in general. I really had a lot to learn about him.

“It’s great actually. It’s nice to have a legal, steady income. Although it’s gonna be tough to explain where I was today.” he said, looking over at me.

“I’ll deal with that kid. No worries about that. It’s the least I could do, after what you’ve done for us today. I can never thank you enough Eddie, I mean that. She’s all I got left. I mean, I’ve got Joyce and the kids, but squish, well she’s the most important thing in my life. She’s the reason I kept going after we lost her mom. Guess what I’m sayin is, thanks for keeping my reason to live, alive and safe.” Dad said, letting a single tear fall before composing himself and bringing back the tough guy act.

“Ok squish, I’ll let you pack and stuff. You got my number if you need anything and I got Eddie’s. Stay safe, love you. Take care of my girl Munson.” he nodded to him, giving me a hug.

“Love you dad. Give Joyce a hug for me and tell the others I said hi.” I said. He nodded and left, leaving me and Eddie alone again. I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me, basking in the comfort of just being close to him. Eddie returned the hug, resting his chin on my head and slightly swaying us back and forth.

“While I would gladly stay like this forever, we do need to pack your things. We have dinner and a movie waiting for us.” Eddie said. I looked up at him, resting my chin on his chest.

“Can we get Chinese instead?” I asked, grinning up at him. I felt him chuckle.

“Anything for my girl. Now let’s pack.” Eddie said, pulling back and walking to my room.

His girl? I like the sound of that. Not me internally screaming like a little girl, nope not one bit.

After packing a few bags and getting all my necessities, we walked out and locked the door, leaving the key with Janice once again, as well as Eddie’s number. We stopped for food on the way home and at Family Video for movies, where we ran into Steve and Robin.

“Holy crap y/n! Where the hell have you been hiding?” Robin squealed, practically jumping on me. Steve stood in his ‘mom’ pose, hands on his hips watching Robin damn near knock me over. They both looked over and seemed to see Eddie at the same time, them giving me a questioning look. 

“Ok, what the hell is going on here? And what happened to your faces?” Steve is now in full on mom mode, arms crossed over his chest and everything.

“I’ll explain everything, but for now can we just rent a damn movie?” I asked, slightly irritated.

“Ok, easy tiger. Why don’t you guys come to mine after work and we’ll explain everything then.” Eddie said, resting a hand on my waist, pulling me with him to look at movies.

“Yea, ok. Only because I am seriously confused and honestly a bit worried. We haven’t spoken to you in almost a year and now you show up, with Eddie of all people. We need answers.” Steve says, and Robin slaps his arm.

“Not that there's anything wrong with Eddie, it’s just weird considering the last time we heard anything, you guys couldn’t stand each other, that’s all.” Robin clarified, giving Eddie a small smile. 

“Yea I get it. Don’t worry Harrington, no hard feelings.” Eddie said, giving him a shit eating grin, dimples and all. I couldn’t help but laugh at the two, currently making faces at each other like children.

“Will you go pick a movie while I deal with Harrington?” “Yes dear.” “Thanks love. C'mere Harrington!” Eddie yelled, chasing Steve around the store, making Robin and I laugh even harder.

“Dear? Love? What the hell y/n?” Robin asked, just above a whisper. 

“Robin, it’s a long story but I’ll tell you everything later. I promise, ok?” I said, grabbing two movies and walking back up to the front. Eddie currently had Steve slung over his shoulder, carrying him around the store, claiming victory.

“Jesus Eddie, put the boy down and let’s go home.” I said, ruffling Steve’s hair. 

“Ok, Jesus, not the hair!” Steve said, swatting at me. Eddie put him down and he booked it behind the counter, breathing heavily. “I hate you Munson.”

“Oh you love me Harrington, don’tcha big boy?” Eddie teased, pretending to jump the counter.

“Please go home. We’ll meet you there after 10. We’ll bring the snacks.” Steve said, clearly over Eddie’s antics. I couldn’t help laughing again. I haven’t laughed like this in well over a year, it felt so good.  I watched Eddie as he drove, happily slapping the steering wheel to the beat of the music playing, smiling like he didn’t have a care in the world. 

When he looked over at me and smiled that big dimpled smile, I couldn’t help but smile back. I loved seeing him like this, happy and smiling. We’d both been through so much shit, but he always seemed to have a smile on his face. I loved and admired that about him, even when I couldn’t stand him. It made me jealous sometimes, wondering how the hell he could be so happy after everything.

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