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I ran into the emergency room, forcing my way to the front counter.

“I need info on Eddie Munson.”

“Are you family? If not then I can’t let you back there.” the obviously unimpressed desk attendant asked, not even looking at me.

“I’m his wife, now tell me where he is.” I said, which made her look up at me. 

“Room 116, only one at a time.” She said, motioning behind me to Robin and Steve. They nodded and went to sit down, Robin trying to get Steve to at least get looked at. I hurried to his room, fully expecting the worst. 

I took a breath when I turned the corner and saw a guard posted at his door. Callahan, of course. I was fully expecting him to turn me away, but he got up and opened the door for me, giving me a small smile. I walked in slowly, preparing for the worst, but was surprised when I saw Eddie, awake and sitting up, arguing with the doctor. 

“Yes, Mr. Munson, you were extremely lucky, but I’d still like to make sure there’s nothing else we need to worry about.” The doctor said, trying to persuade Eddie to stay for a little longer.

“Eddie?” I sobbed his name out, tears flowing freely down my face. His face lit up and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me tightly. I hugged him back, gripping the back of the hospital gown in my hands.

“Hey baby, I’m ok. I got really lucky, but I’m ok, I promised you didn’t I?” Eddie said, pulling back to look at me, wiping the tears from my face.

“Maybe you can convince your husband to stay and let us make sure he’s fully ok before leaving. I’ll come back in a few minutes.” The doctor said, leaving us alone.

“Uh, husband?” Eddie asked, humor filled his eyes as he laughed.

“It’s the only way they’d let me come back here.” I said, smiling up at him.

“Hmm, Y/n Munson. I like the sound of that.” Eddie said thoughtfully, grinning at me.

“Me too, but not for a while. Right now, you need to get better. How are you able to be up and about? Weren’t you shot?” I asked, making him sit back on the bed.

“Yes, He was shot. It appears as though the bullet pierced the scar tissue on his abdomen, catching the bullet from actually entering his body.” We heard from behind us, looking over to see Dr. Owens from Hawins lab. He was the doctor that patched us all up after the fight with Venca, Eddie and Steve being the worst of all of us.

“Hey Doc, good to see you.” Eddie said, reaching out to shake his hand.

“Same here, Eddie. Although I thought I’d seen the last of you guys.” Owens said, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

“Wait, why are you here? This was normal, human violence…..right?” I asked, worried something might be happening again.

“Yes y/n, all humans. I was on the chart for Eddie’s surgery and the Dr. here wanted me to come look at him, since apparently someone being stubborn.” He replied, looking over to Eddie.

“I’m fine doc, really. Just a couple stitches.” Eddie said, standing to show the doc. He looked at the wound, and back up to Eddie, and back down.

“There doesn’t seem to be a wound, but it’s to be expected after the bat attack. We discovered that during testing. It only heals like that where the bat bites were though.” Owens said, picking up the small scissors, removing the stitches.

“Seriously? I didn’t think it worked for fucking gunshots, just smaller cuts.” Eddie said, looking at me, amazed. “Does this mean we’ll have to do more testing?”

“I don’t see the need to. We knew this was a possibility, just not on this scale. And it obviously doesn’t work on the rest of the skin. What happened to you guys?” Owens asked, motioning to the two of us. I had almost forgotten the one incident that started all of this. Eddie filled him in, Owens giving us a look of understanding.

“I must say you’ve had an interesting couple of days, but I never thought I would see this happening.” Owens said, gesturing to the two of us, standing with our arms around each other.

“Honestly we didn’t either, but I’m glad it is. I spent so much time hating him, thinking he hated me when it was the opposite. I’m glad I know now.” I said, looking up at Eddie, who smiled down at me and kissed my forehead. 

“Good, I’m glad to hear it. Now, I’m going to release you. Just make sure you get to the station and give the sheriff your statement. Stay out of trouble, ok kids?” Owens said, walking out.

“Thank God, I really hate hospitals. Let’s get out of here baby. I just wanna go home and cuddle my wife.” Eddie said with a grin, making me laugh.

“Never gonna let me live that down are you?” I asked.

“Nope, never.” He whispered in my ear, gripping my waist a little tighter.

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